WvW questions

WvW questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garuda.5140


Hi, everyone!
I spent last 3 evenings on Eternal BG, almost all the time with zerg teams, and i have some questions now. Some help for newbie plz
1. When ppl gather to buff up commander asks for Static Field. What for? In gives no buffs.
2. Why buff anyway? All boons last not THAT long. Basically they fall off by the time we reach any enemy.
3. Should i always return to Overlook WP to get new supplies when i’m around SM? People don’t seem very happy when someone takes SM supplies.
4. Should i purchase and carry with me any Siege weapon? How will i know the right time and place to use it?
5. I play mesmer atm and i heard mesmer can teleport it’s m8s through closed gates. How’s that? I know about Portal Entre, but how would i get through that door in first place? o_O or mb i misunderstood that…
6. What class are the most supportive in WvW? Though i like mesmer very much, i don’t feel it does much good for the other players, no water fields, nothing like guardian shouts.

Also i will be happy to find some friendly guild on SFR to run around together. Preferably with voice communication, i have some hard time typing because english is not my native language.
I’m lvl 51 atm, geared in Vit/Tough, do almost no dmg, but kinda hard to kill :?

SFR Mesmer&Guardian&Necro

WvW questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sacrai.6280


Hi Garuda,

1) The static field itself adds no buff, but if you were to perform a skill that reads Combo: Explosion, you would get a general speed buff. This is what commanders usually ask for before long distances to cover. List of combos in the wiki for reference is here

2) I need to check whose boon duration is taken into account in the aforementioned case, but I’d say it’s the one triggering the combo, so the one that uses the explosion skill. If his boon duration is augmented, be it by runes or gear, you might end up with up to 1 minute of speed, which is quite good. Still, when impacting another group, having stacks of might or not (by buffing into a fire field) can make a huge difference, even if only on first 3 skills.

3) If you are planning on defending and/or upgrading a point, you will need to have supplies ready at hand. This is why you usually don’t take the supplies in SM but in less often attacked places. Additionally, when you launch the process of upgrading keeps, there is an amount of supplies that is gradually taken from that place to supply the upgrade. When people take supplies, they potentially slow the upgrade.

4) On my server, only commanders place those, because they know where, when and what. Additionally, if your server has a Teamspeak or Mumble or any other vocal way of communicating, log in and listen to what your commanders say. Usually, they will explain what siege weapon to place and why.

5) My guess is that you heard about mesmers hiding in keeps when they are taken by the enemy. If you are skilled at hiding, you could stay in the keep when it’s captured, and then later port your team in. Pairing with one or more thief can help you staying hidden. No legit way of going through a door that I know of.

6) If you wish to keep the “caster” spirit, I would advise you play a staff elem. If your play style is going along following a commander, I would say any class can be needed. I wouldn’t say all builds are needed though…

[LAGS] Sacraï – Roche de l’Augure[FR]

WvW questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garuda.5140


Sacrai, thank you for taking your time and explaining me everything so detailed!

SFR Mesmer&Guardian&Necro

WvW questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sacrai.6280


Hope it helps! Don’t hesitate to ask if you have other questions. Knowledge is power when it comes to WvW. I maybe shouldn’t be teaching potential opponents though, are you on an EU server?

[LAGS] Sacraï – Roche de l’Augure[FR]

WvW questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Seafarer’s Rest is an EU Server indeed.

Sacrai answered all your question, as a fellow Seafarer I can link you our community website, http://www.pevepe.net and suggest that you always be in our server’s teamspeak when possible. You don’t need to talk, but hearing the commander makes it easier for both of you to be succesful.

You can whisper me in game if you have any other question.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

WvW questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sacrai.6280


Ugh, helped someone that will eventually crush me again ^^

I must second Wolfheart though, getting on the Teamspeak server changes the whole game. You’ll discover a new WvW dimension, hope you’ll like it as much as we do.

[LAGS] Sacraï – Roche de l’Augure[FR]

WvW questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garuda.5140


Seafarer’s Rest is an EU Server indeed.

I can link you our community website, http://www.pevepe.net and suggest that you always be in our server’s teamspeak when possible.

You can whisper me in game if you have any other question.

Thank you, i didn’t know about the website but i use TS from the first day on WvW. I just thought it’s not the best idea to ask questions there coz commanders talk alot and all on buisness :P

SFR Mesmer&Guardian&Necro