WvW tips
So PvP and World Vs World are two different game modes within GW2. PvP is anything up to 10v10 in custom arena’s and 5v5 in ranked/unraked. For PvP when you get into the lobby you will need to select your build on the top middle of your screen, amulets in PvP are a universal gear stat combo rather than having gear like PvE and WvW.
WvWvW is large scale PvP. Here you use the same gear as you would in PvE and vice versa. Now you can use your own build but seeing your struggling check out this site for builds:
It has all the current up to date builds that are deemed worthy by the community. Each build will come with an explanation on how to utilize it correctly but it will be down to you to learn the classes you play to master them.
Once you are comfortable with understanding skills within GW2 you may give your own builds a try but for now this site will help you a little bit.
Most if not all servers have a a WvW teamspeak so you may also like to check these out for communication in zergs. Depending on your sever tier will depend on how well you can small roam with parties as the bigger servers will have bigger zergs running around face rolling. Although most commanders who are leading are generally nice enough to leave small groups to battle it out rather than wipe you however this is not always the case.
The link shows the different sever tiers.
Hopefully this is of some help.