WvW tokens

WvW tokens

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MadMaddenMim.3294


K, so I hit 80 fast and was farming wvw a few days and looked at my tokens and didn’t seem to have much. I killed camps, the dude standing in the road alone, yaks, and players by myself and the token rate just wasn’t droping.

I then got on my lvl 10 caster, went staff; and got on my lvl 10 ranger and went long bow. Both I did aoe’s and played only 1/4 of the time I played on my thief.

I have gotten 3x more tokens on these toons just because i’m aoeing. So tried that on the thief with a short bow and well no, because she dont have the reach like them.

Did try the arrow cart and was able to gather up tokens that way on her. I just think that it seems to be a low drop rate on my melee class is all.

Thief had 25 tokens after a few days playing.
Between ranger and mage both lvl 10, I got 68 tokens just for the little hours I played with them.

WvW tokens

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rabbitstew.2756


I do think WvW tokens should be gained by not only killing people but also by doing map objectives. I love to kill dolyaks/kill sentries/take camps, but they don’t give any tokens whatsoever. Only if you run with the giant mobs that seem to go back and forth do you seem to get a decent amount of them.

WvW tokens

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: remix.9856


I don’t think one has a more drop rate I think it’s just you had more luck on one character.

I have a guardian lvl 80 and I’ve played WvW about maybe 8 or so times and I have 40 badges but idk if that’s a lot for that time or not.

You should get bags of loot for almost everything. Not just killing players but killing veteran NPCs, supply caravans, keep lords etc

WvW tokens

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raap.9065


I do think WvW tokens should be gained by not only killing people but also by doing map objectives. I love to kill dolyaks/kill sentries/take camps, but they don’t give any tokens whatsoever. Only if you run with the giant mobs that seem to go back and forth do you seem to get a decent amount of them.

That would be a bad thing to do. As it is, people are already ‘circle farming’ undefended holdings for their rewards (side note, lords already drop tokens if you do enough damage to them, but this is hard in a zerg). Giving more rewards to this will make people try and avoid PvP entirely.

I think either the drop rate on tokens from enemy players needs to be increased a bit, or changed. Alternatively, reduce the cost of WvWvW gear to something less insane.

There are however, ways of ‘farming’ badges. If you’re in an organised WvWvW guild, you can repeatedly bait an enemy zerg into attacking a well fortified holding, and using siege weapons to wipe them out. Good use of siege weapons and focus firing can yield 30+ tokens in a single wave of enemies (~60 seconds). However this is hard to accomplish in a mindless zerg unless you happen to man an arrow cart in a Stonemist lord room defense situation or something of that sort.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief