Yes, I am going to be the noob!
It depends on what you consider “pretty.” My personal opinion of the most beautiful home worlds are the Sylvari, Asura and Human worlds, in that order. Sylvari because I love the natural world, and in their version of it everything is sparkly and glowing. Asura because it’s almost like having a bit of scifi in the middle of the fantasy (they’re not scifi I know, but just by appearance their world looks scifi!). And Human because, well as soon as you step into the Divinity’s Reach garden, you’ll see what I mean.
Hello! Welcome back!
First of all, there is no “best Home World”. If you take a look at the rankings on the WvW Forum, you can see what servers (Home Worlds) are rising to the top of the charts. If WvWvW isn’t your thing, then I would suggest a medium population server. Less people in towns, and such.
One thing for sure… Join a guild. There are so many opportunities to learn from educated players. Now also, since the guild events are in place, you will get to do events with your guild more often. If you take a look at the Operation: Union thread and post there, you will fit in just fine. That’s where I started off. Glitch is a really nice guy and will get you rolling in no time. If you need anything else, just add me. I play every night or so when I’m not working overnight. (Military) I won’t be online tonight, but just send me a pm on here and I’ll help you with w/e you need.
Crystal Desert
For a home server, it all depends on what you like to do. If you’re into PvP then you should join a server that is high in the WvW rankings. For general PVE gameplay, I hear that Tarnished Coast server is pretty good. I am on a different server and have guested over there a few times to help a friend level and it feels like there’s more people running around levelling.
(edited by kokocabana.8153)
Honestly, my main advice to anyone asking what race or profession they should play is “pick something you think is cool.” If you have a particular kind of story or missions you’d like to do, maybe one race would suit you better than another, but for the most part you’ll be fine with anything you pick. If it seems cool, go for it!
When you’re playing the game, there are a bunch of little tricks here and there that you could keep in mind (there’s a great list here), but for the most part just cruise along and do what interests you. There isn’t any major reason to rush to max level in my opinion, so enjoy the ride. Other people will definitely make it more enjoyable, so guilds are a good idea.
Yak’s Bend is a great friendly server. We have a lot of PvE players so no map is ever empty, and we usually hover around mid-tier in the WvW rankings. I definitely recommend it.
The link Curuniel posted above is great to read. I wish I had known a couple of those tid bits when I started out!
If you have any questions about the game feel free to send me a whisper, i’m usually around in-game after work. Enjoy!
As I didn’t see anyone mentioning it, this thread is awesome:
It will answer some of the questions you’ll ask yourself, no need to read it all at once, but be sure to come back to it sometimes.
As I didn’t see anyone mentioning it, this thread is awesome: will answer some of the questions you’ll ask yourself, no need to read it all at once, but be sure to come back to it sometimes.
Lol. Look 2 posts above you. With the hyperlink “here”. :P Peek-a-boo!
Crystal Desert
Hi… I am downloading the game now, looking forward to exploring. Just thought I’d say hello, one noob to another.
Oh and PS, thanks for the tips post, I know that will be very useful.
Just one thing…this happened twice yesterday…when I say I want tips that is really all I am looking for. I am not looking for a level 80 to join parties so they can slaughter everything and rush me to 80, or looking to be criticized and made into an elite player. I already did the elite player thing in DCUO, right now since I just got the game I want to play it for entertainment not to be the best player.
If I die then oh well, I don’t want someone trying to tell me how to never die. I will learn how not to die. I enjoy dying because it means I have to learn how to be a better player on my own.
A couple questions from that tip thing, what is a Black Lion Key?
What is a ? quest?
Strangely, I read your goodbye post in the DCUO forums and had just bought GW2 myself to start playing this weekend. Small world.
A couple questions from that tip thing, what is a Black Lion Key?
What is a ? quest?
Black Lion Keys are used on the Black Lion Chest which has a chance to give you items ud buy from the gem store plus other items.
The closest thing to a “Quest” id say is your Personal Story which is always indicated by a green swirl/star for where to go. (Swirl indicating entry to another zone to next step. Star being the location to start ur next step of ur story)
Something I really love is the ingame command “/wiki”. Just type that, add a space then whatever you want to know about & it will pull up ur browser window in the GW2 wiki with any information it has on what ur looking for. EX: /wiki Charr – pulls up THIS wiki page
Welcome to Guild Wars & hope you enjoy the ride!
EDIT – After finding the “?Quest?” part you were talking about, that person is refering to the “Hearts” located around the world, they sell armor/weapons/crafting mats/etc. that can be bought with karma. Sorry about that :P
(edited by Hebee.8460)