(edited by GreyerSkies.6287)
Yes, You Can Have my Stuff
I hear Azure Prower is a great community member and has terrible luck with precursors!
Send Timekeeper sword his way please.
I guess I’ll nominate “Just a flesh wound.3589” for no reason than that’s the first name that popped in my head.
I nominate Sisriana.2384 because she’s dowry into the game, love the lore, forced me to make an ascended set. Also she’s an overall wonderful lady & is a joy to play with .
(edited by BourneDark.2349)
Tiny Tove has been supporting Anet since Month 1 of Guild Wars 1. Anet have never directly appreciated it. Maybe you could? Anyway, enjoy where ever it is you go to. May the Grind be with you.
I am not anyone special.
I’m just a random dude complaining about Anet and GW2 now and then.
But whatever, any suggestion and criticism will be ignored with the same stupid argument “GW2 is different”.
Just playing the game for the look of it and less for the gameplay.
I think I understand what your reasoning is.
(edited by Xetu.7341)
Do you have a new game you’ll be playing more in mind? Most of my tribe is moving on to Star Citizen, but I’m curious what else might have caught people’s fancy .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Do you have a new game you’ll be playing more in mind? Most of my tribe is moving on to Star Citizen, but I’m curious what else might have caught people’s fancy
I’m waiting for Tree of Savior from the creator of Ragnarok.
Do you have a new game you’ll be playing more in mind? Most of my tribe is moving on to Star Citizen, but I’m curious what else might have caught people’s fancy
I’m waiting for Tree of Savior from the creator of Ragnarok.
Haven’t heard of that. Will have to investigate. Thanks for the heads up.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
We all wish for something and Wintersday is upon us.
I don’t know if I deserve something as I just play this game for its gameplay and lore for about half a year, I did things here and there but it isn’t that much though.
Dear Santa
I would be really happy for a bunch of… well… anything.
Thank you, cheers.
Tree of Savior looks pretty nice actually. I might be getting into Blade & Soul too, although for me, quitting GW2 isn’t really dependent on having a replacement MMO.
A few Wintersday gifts have been sent!
Tree of Savior looks pretty nice actually. I might be getting into Blade & Soul too, although for me, quitting GW2 isn’t really dependent on having a replacement MMO.
A few Wintersday gifts have been sent!
Haha thx dude.
Well, Tree of Savior already has beta days to test it, sadly I had no chance to test it so far.
Ragnarok is imo the best MMORPG out there. Great concept and gameplay.
Sadly it has a really low player base because they took down the euRO server years ago and when they patched the fRO server to a new update more than half the playerbase just quit.
Then they ruined Ragnarok 2, just one of the worst games ever. Took way too long to bring it out in English and they removed so much content you had in Ragnarok 1.
So now I hope the new game will bring back the Ragnarok style. Great balance of quests, grinding and just running around solo and getting exp/levels by killing mobs.
I don’t want anything other than to wish you good luck and all the best.
EDIT: I’d also recommend giving The Secret World a try, if you haven’t already. I walked from that one for various reasons, but still think that the earlier part of the game, writing, story, voice work and skills/build system is absolutely second to none.
It’s not for everyone but it might be worth giving it a look.
(edited by AsurasRCute.4136)
I nominate Daiden. She has been a single loyal mother of 5 and uses guildwars as an outlet for her children. She deserves the best wintersday ever!
If you feel like sending me something, anything I’d be appreciative. I play the game a lot, but have never been into any activities that a profitable (gw2 sense). I mostly just pvp and I used to wvw. I also like jumping puzzles. Either way, regardless, good luck to you, and I hope you have a great christmas and holiday season.
I nominate LimitBreaker.4165, cause he is super broke and is attempting to grind 10,000 winters day drinks and only getting around 150 drinks a day. Time keeper hammer skin would be nice or a few winters day drinks to help with the 10,000 drinks.
Hey there, I would like to nominate my wonderful man Wazza.7623 . I have such crappy luck with this game and he shares (well gives :-) ) me everything he can to help me. I am lucky to have him and one day I hope to return his help when I finally pull that dusk out of thin air lol. So until that day arrives I would like to nominate him someone who deserves a Wintersday pressie.
I nominate mysterion.1276 because hes a realy poor pvp player /; 600hours ? maybe i get a valuable drop in the next 10 years with my rng (timekeeper sword would be realy nice)
<—- Slightly shamefully nominating myself. I have terrible RNG luck. I’ve played since launch and still don’t have a legendary too lmao. Very thankful they have the precursor collections now.
Also wasting away trying to grind for 10k Wintersday drinks oh lordy.
Wishing you well in any future games you get into. Aaand happy Wintersday to everyone. c:
I don’t want anything other than to wish you good luck and all the best.
EDIT: I’d also recommend giving The Secret World a try, if you haven’t already. I walked from that one for various reasons, but still think that the earlier part of the game, writing, story, voice work and skills/build system is absolutely second to none.
It’s not for everyone but it might be worth giving it a look.
I would definitely recommend that but I would say start off playing it as a single player game and just take it slow and enjoy the whole thing. The story is amazing (the DLCs are much better than the core game in my opinion).
It does get boring quite quickly however as their team is very small so content updates are slow.
Oh, wow. I was just trying to be humorous and not expecting any thing.
Thank you for the Timekeeper sword and other stuff! Highlight of my evening!
What a nice thing to do, karma will get you back in your next adventure. Crowfall, Battlecry, Star Citizen and Camalot Unchained all have new releases for early 2016. I myself have really started playing Elderscrolls again. Very refreshing. Take care and happy gaming.
Hiya, GreyerSkies! I wish for you a ton of enjoyment in whatever game you move on to.
If you’d please consider taking a few minutes to browse my [Gifting Strangers] thread in the Players Helping Players sub-forum, I’m sure many people have requested items that you may be parting with. I’m sure your stuff will find good homes with those sharing their desires for items in that thread.
If I can help you with gifting items to these players, shoot me a PM. I’d gladly help you out in any way I can to fulfill the desires of posts you run across there.
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I could use some ectos. Im not sure if Im super unlucky or not, in all my time playing this game the best thing Ive got to drop was something I sold for 8g
Im probably considered lucky to someone out there :/
what game are you moving onto anyway?
I nominate inku.1302, he has bad luck with rng. Been dumping gold to toilet for a dusk or dawn before precursor collection. Desperate for twilight, any help would be appreciated!
This thread is hilarious and perfectly showcases how the GW2 community is NOT the best one around. 50 percent of the people replying here nominate themselves for the goodies. Well done GW2ies.
if u are quitting why do u even care who gets ur stuff? Just go around around LA or noobie zone and hand out the stuff to new players.
(edited by Taxidriver.2043)
I nominate my character. Chronomancer, sylvari, pact commander. Life I’s hard slaying dragons, he deserves a bit of a cheer up.
Haha: )
I do like the new players idea, though then you might be dropping it into the void, always a risk.
I’ve been thinking a bit about all the wonderful GW2 players I know, in game and on the forums, and it’s very hard to pick just one. Do I go for one with poor luck? With RL issues that limit their resources? For one who is always kind and the voice of reason on the forums? Do I pick a close friend who I know to be a fantastic artist that ANet really needs to hire? Someone who is always friendly to PuGs in dungeons and laid back about the runs?
In the end, having dithered a bit, I am going to nominate a man who does have the ability to gather things in game himself because he’s willing to learn how and apply himself. He is a RL teacher and that’s not just a job, it’s who he is. He understands the game and shares that understanding with others, always willing to help with a build, with figuring out fractals and dungeons and WvW. He writes guides that explain the thinking behind the choices and is unfailingly generous with his time. And in the first few months of the game he gave me a pile of 18 slot silk bags that I am still using. I had no idea at the time how expensive those were to make, especially in those days when a few gold was a fortune.
So please find something for theguildless.1386 — or as those who know him fondly name him, “G” — and may you continue to enjoy your time in whatever game or hobby you go to next.
my ingame name is Ryala Deathbringer and the rng is my enemy, teq dropped me only 3 exotic in one year and the only one day i killed the vale guardian he dropped me only a cleric exotic ring :/
Why are you quitting?
Giving all your stuff away seems pretty extreme. Its almost like selling your account in a way because now you’ll have nothing to come back to…which I know is the point. But what happened that made you want to leave so absolutely?
I nominate Fantasy.5321 she’s been playing GW2 since beta, she’s online daily so your stuff will not rot on an inactive account. She’s nice, fun, very helpful and takes anyone in her parties, not only zerks (that’s how my necro got parties)! Btw, thank you for doing this and good luck in other games and real life.
Sorry I posted many times, the forum is not loading for some reason. Trying to delete them now but it’s not loading… FML. Edit: Done, sorry about that. -kicks router- xD
(edited by Mea.5491)
Jolly good, thank you for the gifts !
I would like to nominate my partner in life and in-game, Matazeruz.7498 .
He’s had pretty terrible RNG in-game compared to me, and he’s now working towards affording his first legendary. It would be great if he could have a little boost on his way! He’s always so supportive and helpful.
Merry Wintersday! And if you do ever decide to come back, feel free to whisper me and I can help you out.
Thank you so much for the items! This is very nice of you!
And thanks to Mea too! Is it okay if I join and nominate Mea.5491? She’s shy and she would never nominate herself.
She’s the best friend ever and an amazing player who plays for fun, not for power!
Damm!t Fantasy… XD Thank you for the gifts!
Several more gifts sent!
if u are quitting why do u even care who gets ur stuff? Just go around around LA or noobie zone and hand out the stuff to new players.
I care to the extent that real people are playing the game, and will continue to when I’m gone. The items that no longer have any value to me, may have value to them, so if I can improve someone’s day even a little bit by sending a few mails out, everyone wins. I have also been giving out random gifts over the past few days.
Why are you quitting?
Giving all your stuff away seems pretty extreme. Its almost like selling your account in a way because now you’ll have nothing to come back to…which I know is the point. But what happened that made you want to leave so absolutely?
I’m quite certain I won’t be coming back to the game. In any case, most players’ account-bound items and achievements are probably more valuable than their tradeables at this point. Thanks for your concern though.
Loving the holiday spirit
Would you be so kind as to send sylvestris.8370 a little something?
Sending some good vibes and good karma your way… Seasons greetings! A shame that such a thoughtful and generous player is leaving the game though.
Thank you so much GreyerSkies! He just got the gift in the mail. His chin hit the floor and then he erupted into a fit of giggles.
I nominate Molag.1352, she’s not lucky at all and really loves the game. I wanted to give her a gift but I can’t because I’m exactly like her and I’m not lucky either.
She is someone that I really appreciate in the game because she is so helpful. She taught me to be polite with others and do not get upset for nothing.
she has health concerns and play guild wars 2 make her forget all worries about it.
I think it would please her.
Oh and, I don’t say no if you send me some gifts either (Khyan.7039). After all, my character is an unlucky necromancer, I will not refuse such an opportunity. I’m in love with the game universe if you want to know why I’m in the game. Guild Wars 2 universe is so unique and beautiful. I play guild wars 2 since 3 years and my luck is really bad : even if I have almost nothing in my account I still love playing the game.
For Khyan.7039, if you have still black lion ticket the timekeeper greatsword is nice, but otherwise no matter what it is, I don’t mind. Anything you want.
For Molag.1352, you can give her anything you want too, she don’t even know I ask you to do this anyway.
Thanks for doing this and happy christmas.
(edited by Khyan.7039)
Auuri.5164, for providing the daily dose of laughter that everybody needs! And the Timekeeper sword would definitely be spot on.
First off, its sad to see that again someone leaves the ship by its plank.. its a real sad trend lately
However, its a decison that needs to be accepted and I’m pretty sure, the Op thought about it also very well, if he stands behind his decision to go through this to the end with no point of return, if he gives freely everythign he has to others as a kind if nice christmas give away, so that all of his efforts and things he has done in the game while the game still made fun for him litereally aren’t wasted or just useless staff that will collect from this point on only virtual dust in an unused account.
But by giving away the things to other players, that are still active and still have alot of fun with the game, these thigns can still be useful, they can still make someone else happy, especially now as part of christmas as gifts.
Lets be honest, threads like this are always the same. Especialyl when you have to nominate someone.. eitrher people nominate themself, or they nominate someone with that they are close friends, so that they know that they get the items anyways or at least a shared part of them they get later from their nominated friends.
I know nobody here good enough to nominate them and when i nominate othes, then I want to know the people who I nominate so that I won’t regret later who I nominated.
So I will be one, who “shamelessly” nominates hissself.
I play the game since nearly release date, up until now I have never the luck to get a precursor..so so much about my blessings from RNGeesus so far ^^.
Due to having to go to work I also can’t play the game as intensive as like I would want to do sometimes to farm stuff/gold..so getting skins I’d like to have is already taking me practically felt ages.
If you (OP) are in the mood to gift something to me that could help me with my goals (like for example Charged Lodestones as to get the Collections and Skins done I want I need a whopping 950 of them…)), I’d appreaciate every single one of them that you could be able to give me very much <3 I will use them like a legacy and treat them like a valuable treasure until the day has come where I can turn them into my goals being fulfilled that are completed collections and unlocked skins for all the weapons that require a crap ton of these stones ^^
May you find alot of fun in any other MMO that you may have already decided to go over.
That’s very nice of you to give your stuff away if you’re leaving. I’ll nominate then a forum poster who is unfailingly polite, helpful and knowedgable, Inculpatus cedo.9234
ANet may give it to you.
A really cool player and a good friend of mine is TinyMe.6018. She’s helpful to a flaw and usually spends most of her open world time ressing downed players or trying valiantly to save them only to get herself killed too.
She’s recently been trying to build a Legendary so I’m guessing any help would be appreciated.
I’m sad to see you go – I hope you find what you’re looking for with your new games – and you’re always welcome to come back.
Good luck!
My sincere appreciation and thanks to Just a Flesh Wound, a very helpful forum-user. (She, of course, deserves something wonderful, as well.)
And, of course, to the OP, whose generosity will surely be repaid many fold.
It’s Christmas so why not give me a present?
Hi! ^^
if there’s anything left, i’d like to recommend someone from the higher ranks in the guild i’m in, Exploration Unit [MAP]: ign- David.5761.
He’s the most dedicated guild officer i’ve ever seen anywhere- he gave everything he could and to build our guild hall and took the task of being the scribe, all by himself. He encouraged guildies to donate to treasury when they forgot to, and i’m sure we wouldn’t even make it to lvl 15 without him (we’re lvl 35 now). He used so much gold and materials to get the scribing to high enough lvl and he always fill our guild hall with new stuff. In my opinion, he deserves something really good (i’m gonna try and arrange something with other guildies, but i saw this post and though it’d be an amazing idea ^^)
And yes, i play [Teef] :)
I would like to nominate IndigoSundown.5419
He has been helpful in game and on the forums while remaining above the constant bickering that can be found in both places.
I vote “Just a flesh wound.3589” because (s)he is a really awesome and nice and supportive and rational minded and level headed and well received gw2 community member.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.