Hey there folks – I’ve been playing GW2 since near launch, but very, VERY casually, so my highest pair of characters are lvl 36, and I’m currently struggling to decide on a “main” character – a character that I’ll focus my efforts on, leveling, crafting gear for, and etc
I enjoy playing alts, and this game is quite alt friendly, but it helps me…focus, I guess, if I pick one to prioritize
but, I’m bouncing between my three favorites, bouncing back and forth between their playstyles, survivability and offensive capability, and I’m wondering if people that have reached level cap can give me an idea of what to expect, so that I can better choose the class that’s most likely to give me the game experience I want by the time I hit endgame
my three contenders are Thief, Guardian, and Warrior. My criteria are…
SURVIVABILITY – so far, my thief seems to be the squishiest, not unexpectedly – my warrior is also, currently, surprisingly fragile at level 20, although that could be as much a low level and gear issue – my guardian, on the other hand, is almost disgustingly survivable, to the point where I find myself not even really trying to avoid incoming attacks most of the time
ACTION!! – I like very active character types, and that’s the kind of activity I’m looking for endgame. The Thief seems to be the most active by necessity – self heals are fairly limited, so I have to stay mobile to stay alive – but it’s hard staying that hyper all the time. My guardian is a little boring, honestly, to play, so far – I focus mostly greatsword and…no, pretty much just greatsword, and while I’ve tried all the other weapon setups, and they’re certainly versatile, the greatsword just seems to be so…reliable. My warrior I’m having a much harder time with, as he has so many different weapon combos – my current favorites are twin swords, and greatsword, with some longbow thrown in, but dual axes, and sword/axe + shield seem to work nicely as well – I even enjoy the hammer
I HATE tech, purely as an aesthetic thing, so I want a class, ultimately, that does it’s best activity without guns (pistols or rifles) – I can use them when I need to, or when I get bored and need a switch, but if pistol or rifle is a primary build choice for the class, I’d rather go with something else
so far, my guardian is the most reliable, but frankly, a little boring, to play
my thief was initially going to be my main, but with a painfully limited weapon/skill set, even more limited by my disgust with firearms in a fantasy setting, and the relative knife’s edge of survivability (great survivability as long as you’re on top of every stealth/dodge, dead when you miss a step), i’m leaning away from my thief at the moment
for awhile, the warrior sounded like the place to be, with a great range of weapon/skill sets, and all the heavy armor options like the guardian, but my current warrior doesn’t seem to hold up well under fire – course, like I said, he’s only lvl 20, and not geared particularly well, so that could be an issue
so, after all that, I’m wondering if anyone is willing to pass on, given the above interests, what my endgame experience might be like for the Thief, Guardian, and warrior, and if any of my above concerns carry over onto endgame, or get better with skills, traits and gear
please keep in mind that I am NEVER going to have the time or money to blow on top end gear – I’m gonna be going with the stuff that people can pick up with reasonably casual gameplay over time – so if a class needs top tier gear to fit my criteria, again, I might be better off going with something else
in the end, if no one can help, I’ll eventually figure it out on my own – but you could save me a significant amount of time and effort, if you’re willing to pass on some of your endgame experience, and I’d appreciate it greatly
thanks to anyone that takes the time to answer…constructively