anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

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Posted by: Voltic.6912


trying to figure out if it can be used with a keyboard or if it replaces a keyboard altogether. if it’s the later bleh as I can’t type chat and am looking for other suggestions for a decent gaming keyboard.


anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

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Posted by: Soothsayer.9476


It’s an extra usb peripheral that you use to do most common actions like moving, using items etc. You’d still be able to use your keyboard to chat

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belias.5308


I use the Nostromo and I love using it, in no way does it take away from your use of the keyboard as you can still use all of its functions. You can map your hot keys to it and some of your most used commands without any problem. I fully recommend the product.

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysidian.4653


I use the Nostromo and I love using it, in no way does it take away from your use of the keyboard as you can still use all of its functions. You can map your hot keys to it and some of your most used commands without any problem. I fully recommend the product.

^This. Cant recommend it enough. Takes some getting used to, but combine it with a naga epic and you are golden. Using those 2, I dont use my keyboard at all except to chat, and even then only when absolutely have to.

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

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Posted by: Geekcheck.3407


I use the Logitech G13 Gamepad and I absolutely love it! It is similar the Razer Nostromo, except it has more buttons and better macro functions. The analog stick is also 4-way instead of 8-way, but is more precise, because it doesn’t have sensitivity issues regarding the diagonal movements.

It also has an LCD readout screen which automatically pulls info from the game. It will display the map completion for the world and zones, as well as some WvW info. Since you can program your own scripts, I’m going to try my hand at designing my own readouts for information I find useful.

The only flaws the G13 are its overall size and the analog stick itself. If you have small hands or short fingers, then this gamepad is not for you. The additional keys make it cumbersome for anyone who doesn’t have adequate reach. The thumb top for the analog stick is very tiny and a bit uncomfortable when you first use it. Over time you will adjust and will barely notice it, but I plan on modding it and replacing the analog stick with one from another Logitech product which I read about online.

Overall I find gamepads like the G13 and Nostromo to be very useful, as they reduce the wear and tear on your keyboards and give you a better layout.

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

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Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Yes I use the razer nostromo with the naga combined with the mobo chair arms rest mount on a comfy chair + 32inch almost like playing playStatin. I basically assign keys To them then bind the commands. All attack commands on nostromo along with weapon switch and esc. Then dodge and jump on next to left mouse and the rest is misc stuff like targeting and auto run ad what not. Only ever have to use the keyboard to type really. Also have a program that makes it so I only have to click the right mouse button when I want to move the camera instead of holding it down anId releasing it to do that.

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cazliostro.7140


@Raijinn: how do you make the right mouse button a toggle instead of a hold?

@OP: Nostromo is awesome – you can also map it to handle number keys and function keys by using the thumb buttons (arrow defaults) to toggle alternate modes… so basically I never have to take my hand off the nostromo unless I need to chat.

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voltic.6912


thanks! I’ll check out the logitech one as well

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


@Raijinn: how do you make the right mouse button a toggle instead of a hold?

@OP: Nostromo is awesome – you can also map it to handle number keys and function keys by using the thumb buttons (arrow defaults) to toggle alternate modes… so basically I never have to take my hand off the nostromo unless I need to chat.

The answer.

Third party software “X-mouse button control”
how to do it:

1. install and open software
2. click on Add in the lower left corner, link to GW2.exe and select it after you made it.
3. open the pull-down menu behind “right button” and select simulated keys
4. enter {RMB} in the field and select “8 Sticky…” and hit ok.
5. click “Apply” and you are done and no changes need to be made in game.

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darfod.9375


I use a Nostromo for my left hand, even though I have a G510 keyboard. The keyboard only gets used for chat.

1 – 10 = mapped to skills
11 – 14 = mapped to function key skills
thumbpad = mapped to movement
thumb button = mapped to temporary keymap, which resets buttons 1 – 10 to the backpack / TP / guild / etc. buttons
MW fwd = weapon swap
MW back = F

The button layout feels far more natural than the rows of macro keys on a G510.

The mouse does camera angle / nearest target / next target / call target / jump / dodge.

My setup isn’t perfect, but I find it incredibly easy to use.

Outnumbered and facedown in WSR borderlands…
… again

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MrNobody.4357


i have the g13, which i find better then the nostromo because i have big hands, and also because the material and the software are better. I had a Nostromo but i sold it because it was too short.
Now i have the same problem of bad wrist posture on the mouse, a naga (basic one, the 1st they did) and so i’m planning to switch it for a g600, which would spare me loading 2 differnet control softwares.

Anyway i recommend both over a normal mouse+keyboard, 1st is far more confortable, 2nd i hate having my keyboard dirty ore destroyed during heavy gameplay sessions.
Ok keyboard is cheap, but is when i work that i need it and there is where i milk my cash for living, not the mouse or the keypad, those are relax and entertainment, and i like to keep them separated.

anyone have a Razer - Nostromo Gaming Keypad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: phanmc.6759


I had the Nostromo and now the G13. The Nostromo was more comfortable for me but it broke so I switched to the G13. The only thing that makes the G13 uncomfortable is the amount of keys it has making some hard to reach without moving your hand.

On both I preferred to map WASD to movement and the 4 function keys to the thumbstick. Moving with the thumbstick was too imprecise for me.

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