ascended ring (infused)... I am confused

ascended ring (infused)... I am confused

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Condutas.3580


Good afternoon my fellow gw2 players.

I have recently upgraded one of my ascended rings, Crystalline Band, too the infused version (Crystalline Band (Infused))

I tried too search around here too understand a little better whats diferent now but I am totally clueless…

I thought that with this I would have a ring with a agony resistance slot + a slot for a jewel … But looks like it doesn’t work like this… Soo I went inside fractal, got a +5 versatile agony resistance and put it on my ring… but now I dont understand whats next….

Does having a infused ring means that I can have 2 versatile agony resistances on the same item? Or I did a mistake by putting a versatile agony in the defensive spot of this ring? And if I did, how can I “empty” it again? Could someone be kind enough too explain too me a little better the ascended ring infused diferences?

Thz in advance.

ascended ring (infused)... I am confused

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Riku.4821


One will use the versatile agony, while the other slot is for real agony (the drops you get in Fractals)

Guild Leader of Lunar Tree[LT].
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ascended ring (infused)... I am confused

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyrill Faust.9340

Cyrill Faust.9340

The green ball things that drop from fractles and say agony infusion +1 are what go in an agony infusion slot not the versatile agony infusion. Also you should combine multiple +1 with the artifacting crafting discipline until you get a +5 before you put it in, i think you need 32 +1’s to get a +5 .

Proud member of [BANK] my bank guild and [BANK](2) my other bank guild