ascended stuff

ascended stuff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shaorune.2347


i made a mistake and purchased two of the same ascended rings and found out i cant use both at the same time. i was told i could infuse it and it would count as a seperate ring so i could use both. i put one of those +4 stat things in it and it didnt seem to work. do i need a specific infusion or should i just count my losses and trash it?

ascended stuff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Infusing an item means giving it agony resistence WITHOUT any upgrades. It also requires doing fractals to get the necessary items.

Additionally I would use that to make it account bound to equip on another character. Using both an infused and uninfused “unique” item seems like an unintended loophole that might get fixed.

ascended stuff

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Navi.7142


It happened to other players as well and they were compensated with another ring.
Contact support and tell them what happened to you.

For more information about the other happenings: