best site to rent a teamspeak server from?

best site to rent a teamspeak server from?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: black sun empress.7401

black sun empress.7401

Please throw me some ideas of your experience with hosting sites,

I am looking at and currently, gameservers is a smidge cheaper, and lets you change from vent/mumble/teamspeak for free if needed, im looking at 15-20 slot. and before i go with either of those, i figure i’d ask what people use themselves.

not interested in hosting my own from home. and i know there are probably cheaper hosts, but i prefer quality.

Ive used mumble/vent/raidcall/TS3 and mumble/ts3 have been the best, ts3 is more user friendly as far as control, i hate mumbles way of setting permissions etc.
