can you guys change back the camera?

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: davidwiz.2543


hi guys, this is extremely distressing. when i zoom my camera to be closest to the chars, the camera cuts the chars off at the calves, but before the update it cuts the chars off at the feet. because of this, the chars are now an inch smaller than they were before. i asked my guild leader about this and his camera is unchanged the camera cuts his char off at the feet. i uninstalled the game and reinstalled it but the camera is still screwed up on my end. is there anything i can do??? this game has been my life for the last 2 years and this is extremely frustrating as my primary love is to look at these beautiful characters. the chars now are about 50% of the screen before they were 75%, about an inch smaller now sob. the first screenshot i have included is how the char looks now closest, the camera cuts her off at the calves lol. the second screenshot is how the char was, before the update and the camera cuts off at the feet lol. i got several messages posting this in players helping players and they said this was done to increase the field of view. but i want to make the plea that if players want to see more of the field they can just move back the camera. please put the camera back the way it was i dont mind paying money thanks a ton for hearing my plea


can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I don’t really see a difference on my end, I’m already at 1366X768 on most stuff, even GW 2, yet my computer is utter kitten anyways. I’m all on low end and pixelated nonsense.

I did notice the graphics were slightly better on auto detect for me like placebo effect, but maybe that is just me.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Yeah, nothing changed on my end either. Are you playing at a 16×10 aspect ratio? Perhaps something has changed and there is no true 16×10 aspect ratio, meaning they basically crop a 16×9 aspect ration to fit on a 16×10 picture, which would give you the cut off feet. Other games have done this as well, where a 16×9 aspect ratio gave you more view of the game where as 16×10 did not because it was not a true 16×10 aspect ratio but rather a cropped 16×9 picture to fit on a 16×10 screen.

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: davidwiz.2543


how do you change to a 16×9 or 16×10 aspect ratio? on my graphics options theres only windowed, windowed full screen and full screen. im using 1440×900 cause all the chars look too fat otherwise lol

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sephrye.1628


I wish that they had more smaller zoom increments,
like when you zoom in and out,
have more variety in ranges, from the minimum to zoomed out,
with each turn of the mouse wheel

Kinda hard to explain what I mean, I guess,
but when you’re in as zoomed in as far as possible as then slowly zoom out, there’s only a few sizes of zoom until you’re completely zoomed out

What I mean is add more types of angles of zoom inbetween
the max zoom in and the max zoomed out, so that you have more choices

I think if the camera had more variety of zoomed in degrees, on more control on how far you can change the camera in medium zoom,
that could solve your problem

Sorry if that sounds really complicated, I have trouble trying to explain what I mean about that

(edited by Sephrye.1628)

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ObsidianSaint.1079


Any reason you are taking pictures of females in bikinis from behind before the patch went live? lol

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Name.9625


No. Especially big characters, like Norn or Charr are profiting from this change. It makes their life a lot easier. And perhaps they want to be zoomed in as well, to be able to see the field AND the detail on their armor. Just saying that all these big character players should just suck it up and don´t care about armor and detailing, like you do, is just rude.

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Airala.8629


I wish that they had more smaller zoom increments,
like when you zoom in and out,
have more variety in ranges, from the minimum to zoomed out,
with each turn of the mouse wheel

Just a suggestion – try using a trackball mouse. My husband and I both use trackballs, and one of the things I love is being able to fine-tune my zoom, especially for screenshots.

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Allanon.9072


Any reason you are taking pictures of females in bikinis from behind before the patch went live? lol

Is simple some ppl have u know pixel fantasies.

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Laurienne.3645


i played a game recently (cant remember which one, maybe FF14 ARR) where when you zoom in, the camera would go all the way over the shoulder of your character, if you keep zooming in after it, the camera would adjust the focus (slightly zooming out and moving the center of the screen to the torso) to show the entire character inside the screen

would be really cool to have something like this in GW2

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


It may or may not help in your situation but if you add this to your GW2.exe shortcut it will revert the camera to the original one before anet made changes to it which I prefer still. -useOldFov

on mine it looks like: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -useOldFov
for the shortcut, may or may not help you get your character zoomed more to your liking.

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sephrye.1628


Just a suggestion – try using a trackball mouse. My husband and I both use trackballs, and one of the things I love is being able to fine-tune my zoom, especially for screenshots.

Only problem is, I play from a family computer, so the other people in my family might not like it, dunno,
thanks for the suggestion, though; I didn’t know different mice can use different zooms, that’s pretty interesting

It may or may not help in your situation but if you add this to your GW2.exe shortcut it will revert the camera to the original one before anet made changes to it which I prefer still. -useOldFov

on mine it looks like: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -useOldFov
for the shortcut, may or may not help you get your character zoomed more to your liking.

Omg, thank you so much for this,
it looks so much better on my human female characters,
much closer in the 2nd to last zoom, I can actually see details on my armors and stuffs
(don’t have any norn characters right now, so no idea if it would look good on them or not, though)

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: davidwiz.2543


hi, thanks for that useOldFov, the char is the right size now but its even closer now and shows less leg. i do like it a lot though thanks for the info!!!!!!! thanks a ton!!! gosh arenanet please put it back the way it was before sob lol


can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: davidwiz.2543


hi name, the camera is even worse for the norns and charr i think. you cant even see the lower half of their body with this new camera adjustment. i tried norn before the update near the beginning of gw2 and i hated it cause the camera would cut off at the characters bum. you couldnt even see her legs. now they cut it off at the waist its even worse lol.


can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


The useoldfov thing came from ArenaNet themselves i don’t remember when, over a year ago but for charr/norn if you zoom all the way in then zoom out twice it shows them better and zoom out once for humans. The height of the character also affects this. At some point ArenaNet changed the fov to provide a larger fov, probably for zergs, wvw and such. The newer fov is actually better for norn/charr but the useoldfov is better for human, asura and sylvari imo.

Anet did it how they wanted so there’s not much we can do. If anyone wanted to deal with the annoyance you could make a second gw2 shortcut, one to use the current fov and one to use the old fov but then you’d have to exit the game to change it. it’s a shame anet didn’t just add more increments into the zooming which would have solved the problem for everyone and for anet would have been everybit as easy as changing the zoom originally.

I use the oldfov and for human, asura, sylvari i keep the zoom 1 zoom out and for norn/charr i zoom out twice total. it does make the bodies of the charr/norn look slightly smaller but at least it shows their bodies/armor etc.