can you stack sigils?

can you stack sigils?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jazzllanna.1278


If you use 2 sigils the same that build stacks such as power, magic find, condition damage. ect- the ones that go up to 25. Do you get double?

can you stack sigils?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kobal.5234


That article was very helpful to me when I needed it.

These seem to work fine in conjunction with all other types of sigil. However, it is mostly pointless to use two of these as you can only have stacks of one type at any given time. If you use two of the same stacking sigil, you do get two stacks of the same type on every kill, though.

So to summarize;

2x stacking sigil of different stats = useless.
2x stacking sigil of the same stat = faster stacking but not double the effect (still max. 25).

can you stack sigils?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: skullmount.1758


That article was very helpful to me when I needed it.

These seem to work fine in conjunction with all other types of sigil. However, it is mostly pointless to use two of these as you can only have stacks of one type at any given time. If you use two of the same stacking sigil, you do get two stacks of the same type on every kill, though.

So to summarize;

2x stacking sigil of different stats = useless.
2x stacking sigil of the same stat = faster stacking but not double the effect (still max. 25).

So if I’m reading that right, having a sigil of luck on main hand, and sigil of corruption (condition damage one) in the other, won’t work. I can only have one of any kind of stack at any given time.

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can you stack sigils?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jazzllanna.1278


Ok that is how I read it too.. I thought you could have different ones just was not sure if you could have the same one.. guess I was wrong on both accounts lol

can you stack sigils?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Geff.1930


I have a question in the same vein. This was not answered in the reddit post. If I use two sigils of the same type with on-crit effect such as x2 sigil of superior strength (30% change to cause Might per sigil) will it become 60% chance? Or do they not stack in this manner?

can you stack sigils?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


It doesnt stack in that manner.
Read Shared cooldown part.
Something to add, if the first sigil of sup strength activates, both go on cooldown.