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Posted by: sdt.1697


It has been a wile scents i played this game and i seem to always have trouble with choosing a class and staying with it the last one was a warrior and there ability where boring to me. So what i what in a class is not to be squishy, i like to have both magic and melee, in wow i like the shaman and daiblo i i’m a which doctor, i also like to be an offence haybried. i would like to able to attack form both melee and range, if you don’t have any idest for a class than if you know a good class quiz for me to take. thank you and don’t forget to give a reason

(edited by sdt.1697)

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Posted by: CountzuCrytus.7256


Classes that have Magic and can Melee

  • Guardian
  • Necromancer
  • Elementalist
  • Mesmer

If you are new or not that experienced in the game I DON’T recommend starting with Elementalist or Mesmer as they have a high learning curve.

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Posted by: Jornophelanthas.1475


I honestly have great difficulty making sense of the OP’s question. It appears every other word is incorrectly auto-corrected to something unintended.

In answer to the question, ANY profession is able to engage in both melee and ranged attacks. If you want to play a “hybrid”, really any profession will do. Guild Wars 2 does not have a “DPS/tank/healer” job division. Instead, all three roles can be fulfilled by any profession, often at the same time.
Most healing in the game (but not all) is self-healing. Any profession (if specced sufficiently) can deal damage effectively (though not all in the same way). And the dodge mechanic (available to all professions) ensures that anyone can “tank” enemies, at least for a short time. (But in this game, it is always better to not get hit by the big attacks!)

And as CountzuCrytus mentioned, the Guardian, Necromancer, Elementalist and Mesmer are the professions that have magic.

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in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sdt.1697


Ok after some time i think i got it down to three professions i think of playing the Guardian, the Necromancer, and the Engineer, i do have some minor thing i’m concerns about the class

The Guardian: this professions seems the one i would play but i read that this class is most forces on tank

The Necromancer: he has dps skills and life steals but i’m still get use to dodging, I know to dodge when there a circle under you and if there getting ready for a attacker but is seam that you need to dodge every time there attacker in my view so far.

The Engineer: look like a lot for fun to play as, but i herd it a hard class to play with the kits

so guys should i worryed about this things