(edited by Pockethole.5031)
does total makeover kit have trehearne face?
This won’t end well.
Sorry had to!
To answer your question – no it doesn’t have Trahearne’s face
i’ve checked that before. and i know it doesnt have all faces! ive customised norn, asura, charr with that but not sylvari yet.
if i dont get any answers, i guess i will post the faces etc here later by myself since i started this thread.
No, Trehearne’s face is not available to players and likely never will be, since he’s a key character and they like them to look unique (just like how most of Destiny’s Edge also have unique faces).
ok, i trust you people then. later.
Then you just need to hope that necros get access to greatsword in the future, and you can go around in dungeons, pvp or wvw trolling people.
Then you just need to hope that necros get access to greatsword in the future, and you can go around in dungeons, pvp or wvw trolling people.
that should be done! necros have poor access to 2h – just a staff.
would be neat to run around with a twilight as necro.
i’ve made a collection from screenshots that shows you exclusive sylvari female and male faces and hairstyles combined.
here sylvari male:
and sylvari female:
as an active (not intended it comes by nature) character appearance changer, personally i say it’s pointless to open total makeover kit on male sylvari. they have the coolest faces and hairs for free.
Odd. I find him unattractive. Highly.
But his courtesy, calm, dignity, steadfastness and efficiency more than make up for it.
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai
A lot of the main NPCs etc will be unique in that their faces/hairstyles etc will not be in the makeover kits.
However, there have been case(s) of ANet releasing similar or exact styles of things, e.g; Scarlet Briar’s hairstyle was released with the latest batch added to the makeover kits.
There are even armors exclusive to NPCs only.. We can only hope ANet is kind enough to make a version for us players. Ha.
second sylvari male face.
YES YES MY TOPIC BORE A FRUIT. THANK YOU. I have to try this… hmmh now I really need to make a sylvari revenant… edit: or do something about my necromancer. problem is i dont like him (necromancer profession) that much, but with greatsword and new things, maybe, maybe something will work out…
(edited by Pockethole.5031)