dumb question whats an engineer best for
Can you please post all your stuffs in one thread? Repeated posting will only clog up the forum page.
The engineer can be categorized as the special ops of the game. There is nothing they can’t do. It takes time however to master every different role and be good with it. they can be reasonable healers, conditions spreaders, buffers, but also be good in CC and in DPS.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
so does that make um ghood at meany but master of none?
trolling others in DE’s at lowbie territories, by killing everything before others can tap =D
It’s supposed to be good at everything but they gave it too much of a hybrid tax, so elementalist is better at being good at everything.
However, Engineer is definitely the king of control.
For instance, it is possible to equip Rifle with 4 turrets (say, Healing, Thumper, Net, and Rocket) and Supply Crate, and get 3 Immobilizes, a Launch, a Blowout, 4 Pushes (with Accelerant-Packed Turrets), and a Stun that also comes with another Net Turret for more Immobilize. And then proceed to play pinball.
Engineers really do pay a high tax for being so ‘versatile’. And while they are ‘versatile’, you really have to trait for one specific build. And that kind of limits the versatility.
You can get some great AOE damage and condition damage from an engineer too. They really can be a pain to learn, and even harder to master.
“Engineers are great giving players arthritis” :-)
On the serious note: it is true that playing engineer efficiently requires even more key and mouses presses than a D/D elementalist. Engineer is the most difficult profession to master. And it is true that the dps lacks behind other professions, because engineers are so “versatile”. In reality: Engineers have as much trait points at other professions, so they are not more versatile. In fact if you want a powerful engineer, you need to single spec it into something.
Engineers are good at:
- underwater combat, especially using grenade kit
- crowd control (cripple, immobilize, knockback, blind, area stun etc e.g. using rifle, bomb kit, supply crate)
- ranged AoE (grenade kit for long range, pistol for short range)
- stacking conditions (pistols, bomb kit, grenade kit, elixir gun)
- getting out of trouble in quirky, funny ways (lots of traits for that e.g. automated response, which gives immunity to all conditions when health <25%, elixir S, rocketboots, slick shoes etc)
Engineer is my favorite profession to play.