easy dungeon class beside war guardian
I personal see Mesmer as the best dgn class, however only once it been learn very well. So if ya looking for easiest class to play then Mesmer is not for you. However, looking for something that is great at dgns, once you really learn about it. Then Mesmer is your class.
This is a very open question and you are not going to get a good answer. You are going to hear every single opinion about every class.
The truth is, every class is very capable in dungeons, if played correctly. Some classes are a little more forgiving and some are a little more complex, but they all can succeed in every aspect of the game.
The question you have to ask yourself is, what is your preferred play style?
Do you like range or close combat?
Do you like pets?
Answer those two first and we can start to narrow down what is a good fit for you.
Generally, the more surviveable the class, the easier it is to survive and contribute in a dungeon.
*Necromancers are by far and away the most forgiving cloth class and has a ton of point-and-shoot skills that are very helpful in dungeons; a pull, a ranged AoE revive from downed and more. Do NOT run minions until you know what you’re doing though.
*Rangers are very strong and easily managed so long as you’ve developed a habit with basic pet controls (the Bear, Stop and Bear, Attack buttons)
The other classes I’ve either not played in dungeons or they’re very squishy unless played with skill and consistent timing (which I’ve never developed despite years of gaming on and off). Strong, certainly, but not easy to start learning from. The elementalist I would say is particularly squishy if you don’t know what you’re doing but I’ve seen laid back pugs give their eles a free pass on frequent death.
A few things that made me frustrated with necro is I can’t destroy structure things. So the turret and burrow takes forever to finish. May it is the condition build.
And I keep wondering why play a necro when my warrior rifle better than necro at range and can take hit. I don’t mind warrior being better at melee. But why is warrrior better at range?
Only downside is warrior aoe range sucks. I guess I’m just frustrated and should learn to play.
The Elementalist has a steep learning curve but a master can outplay any other profession. To be honest I only started appreciating it after I hit 80 and clothed it in exotics, it gave me the durability I needed to get good at different dual dagger techniques. You can’t learn to play if you’re out the game in one hit. On the other hand if you go with staff, you’re rarely taking hits and can offer a wide array of support through boons and direct healing.
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
…or u can do mass damage to lots of mobs. there are 3 skills of 20 on ele staff that are NOT aoe, one way or another. But its true – that class is squshy. u need to learn to evide EVERYHING if u have near glasscannon build. As for necro i found it easy on pve, i played necro in dung once, as MM with lot of siphon health, and to tell the truth – i was downded less times than on warior with exotics. [for that time i could just run naked with my necro, such bad gear i had :P]
The Elementalist has a steep learning curve but a master can outplay any other profession. To be honest I only started appreciating it after I hit 80 and clothed it in exotics, it gave me the durability I needed to get good at different dual dagger techniques. You can’t learn to play if you’re out the game in one hit. On the other hand if you go with staff, you’re rarely taking hits and can offer a wide array of support through boons and direct healing.
The Elem has such a bad early start with low armour and HP and it gets instagibbed even when you’re 5 levels infront, but once it gets high it seems to dominate.
I don’t recommend Thief for dungeons though, others may think different as that was a personal opinion.