fastest way to level??
Personal story, WvW, and crafting.
If you need help with crafts – (don’t close/refresh the page once you open it, because the list will change).
Dungeons. Especially AC (not sure how fast you can clear it since the patch).
Play on your main until you’re almost finished the dungeon. Then swap in your alt at the end.
MaW event is 6-7 medals every 25 minutes. That with some crafting and you’ll have 8 level 80s like me in no time
Nothing is faster than crafting. Depending on how much you are willing to spend, you can go from 1-80 in an afternoon. You will pay a hefty premium for that privilege though.
1.Buy gems
2.convert to gold
whats the MaW event?
whats the MaW event?
It’s an event that spawns a lot in Wayfarer Foothills. It’s an event chain that has like 5 or 6 events. And nearby there’s a wurm event chain that has 3 events.
Personal story, WvW, and crafting.
If you need help with crafts – (don’t close/refresh the page once you open it, because the list will change).
Neat site, but I assume that is going off of buyout prices. If you put up buy orders you can get most of that stuff a lot cheaper. I like to plan the my crafting a day or so before I do buy orders on everything all at once, it makes crafting a lot faster having everything and it’s a bunch cheaper.
If you don’t want to craft to level this is what I did for most of my characters:
1-15 starter zone of your choice
15-30 Kessex Hills centaur event chain(although I hear the maw is as good/better)
30-35 Personal Story(yep starting at level 1 quest until it’s red)
35-45 Harathi meta centaur event(use xp boosts here and kill every centaur you see for massive bonus XP)
45-55 Personal Story(if you fall short go to bloodtide and do a few events on your journey south to sparkfly)
55-65 Sparkfly fen(The center hylek area to start, then the krait event and risen event by teq although I hear the krait are hard now)
65+ Personal story as far as you want to go
65+ Straits of devastation the lone post chain+balth chain.
Maxing 1 craft can be substituted for 10 levels(except 1-15 it’s 15 levels).
The new dailies can help as you still get XP for completing each of the 9 options even after the daily is complete(5 done).
Do not underestimate kill XP, some people look at events per hour and not the kill xp you can get as well! Kill any and all mobs you think might have been around for awhile!
My path often takes you into zones/events you will be underleveled for, so play smart, stick with others(when possible), and call out events in map chat. You will probably die but it’s worth it.
The Harathi centaur event off the top of my head will get you something like 900 bonus xp with boost(iirc). I was running the 50% boost, food, and the 30 second kill streak boost(with a decent number of people you can keep this up from camps getting attacked until the champ dogs spawn) and getting 1500 xp per kill on most of the centaurs in the main fort. That’s an events worth of xp every 2 kills and you’ll easily get 50+ bonus xp kills on top of the regular kill mobs.
where can I find the maw? im level 25 human
maw is about in the center of the snowy area of Wayfarer Foothills... Norn land. closest waypoint and where the event chain starts would be Krennick’s Homestead.
event chain consists of 1. protect the homestead from grawl (keep them from stealing food or something) 2. follow the NPC to find out why the grawl are angry. 3. destroy the dragon totem. 4. kill the sons of svanir. 5. destroy the portals. 6. kill the shaman.
so up to 6 events if you can manage to tag them all (sometimes even if i’m there at the start i only get 4-5) and a chest (once per day per character)
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
(edited by katz.8376)
MaW event is 6-7 medals every 25 minutes. That with some crafting and you’ll have 8 level 80s like me in no time
Well, it takes about 6-8 minutes to get 6-7 medals in Maw. Then you can spend the other 20+ minutes farming various other chain events whilst waiting for Maw to be done. The downside is now, that you only get one chest per day. But its still the fastest XP farm in open world.