five characters max on one server? Which ones to pick....
You can purchase additional chartacter slots from the gem store.
Dabble is my suggestion. Pick 3 you know are slam-dunk professions you want to play and use your last 2 slots to explore your option. As a fellow altoholic this is my thought and what I did.
Wont tell you which ones tho your favs may not be my favs and I don’t want you to miss out on what may be your “happy place”
ok thats good to know
I wont be buying slots until I figure out if I like the game first….so fow now which ones to pick
Dabble is my suggestion. Pick 3 you know are slam-dunk professions you want to play and use your last 2 slots to explore your option. As a fellow altoholic this is my thought
and what I did.
Wont tell you which ones tho
your favs may not be my favs and I don’t want you to miss out on what may be your “happy place”
pick 3? but but…there is 8!
Ok I guess the 3 playstyles I usually like are ranged DPS, pet type, and heavy armor type
so maybe the 3 for sure are the engineer because it was fun shooting things, and ranger because I always like pets (though having a hard time choosing between ranger and necro) and guardian so I have a defensive type
but control types are also fun….and if the mesmer is like the EQ illusionist, I really enjoyed that
and stealth can also be fun
So hard to decide!
How does it cost for extra character slots? Funny how there isnt any mention of purchasing extra slots in the character selection screen.
they avg out to about 10 buck a slot which is pretty close to what GW1 slots cost.
I will give you this much…. Engineer + rifle = jump shot FTW
Get slots, if you’re into alts.
But the top post has some misconceptions that will hamper good decisions.
There is no tank type.
There isn’t really a stealthy type — thief stealth lasts for just a couple of seconds.
Ranged dps — one of the strongest professions for this is the warrior.
Control-support type — if you’re in a dungeon, that’s at least part of what you’re doing.
All professions do all roles (cept for pet, that really is the ranger thing).
Just a suggestion. The Gold Diamond conversion rate is really low right now. I think yesterday on Crystal Desert I get a slot for about 1g 52s
Daft question, but how is warrior ranged? I dismissed warrior cos I like ranged play most, so I really wanna know please.
Daft question, but how is warrior ranged? I dismissed warrior cos I like ranged play most, so I really wanna know please.
The rifle and longbow are both in the warriors accepted weapon sets
Pick a heavy, medium, and light armor class, get them to 30 and join each one to a different guild (story quest) that way you get the achievments for having one in each guild and you will also know by then what type of class you like.
Daft question, but how is warrior ranged? I dismissed warrior cos I like ranged play most, so I really wanna know please.
Warriors are quite lethal ranged.
I have 8 slots!
I have not rolled a Thief yet tho.
Get slots, if you’re into alts.
But the top post has some misconceptions that will hamper good decisions.
There is no tank type.
There isn’t really a stealthy type — thief stealth lasts for just a couple of seconds.
Ranged dps — one of the strongest professions for this is the warrior.
Control-support type — if you’re in a dungeon, that’s at least part of what you’re doing.All professions do all roles (cept for pet, that really is the ranger thing).
I will admit im carrying over assumptions about classes from other games, so thats intersting to find out what the classes are really about.
Warrior is a strong ranged DPS? I always thought of them as melee dps.
I got the idea that there is no tank in this game, but Gaurdian is the defensive heavy armor type and I always like to have one hardy tough to kill character.
No stealth type? What makes the thief different from other DPS then?
If all the professions do all the roles…then I guess its just a matter of the how they do it and what style they use. But some must be better at some roles then others?
Like a light wearing type wouldnt last long holding aggro?
Yeah, buying them with gold isn’t bad. I’ve been looking into grabbing another one lately, and it seems to be in the range of 1.5-2 gold. Which is a ton of in-game money when you start playing, but you’ll probably have that much spare once you get to around the 40-60 range.
I honestly haven’t bought one yet because I want to take the alts I have right now seriously. If I get more slots, I’ll just keep rolling, deleting, rerolling, etc., lol. I’m awful with alt management. Thank god I’m not that way with my main, or I wouldn’t get anywhere.
Daft question, but how is warrior ranged? I dismissed warrior cos I like ranged play most, so I really wanna know please.
Warriors are quite lethal ranged.
Tried out Warrior with a Rifle in some PVP yesterday and used the rifle more often than I used my dual axes.
Rule of thumb seems to be: Never underestimate a Warrior, regardless of distance.
I’m another one who would suggest playing them all and then picking the ones you like best.
That’s why it was important for me to get into the beta – I normally waste a lot of time with any game because I keep deleting and remaking my character to get the build I really want. (More of a problem in single player games where every choice you make is permanent.) This way I got to do that and still keep my characters from the first day.
I knew right from the start I wanted a ranger and that hasn’t changed, they’re still my favourite class. But I was surprised by how much I liked the engineer, which has become my second favourite in spite of the lack of weapon choices.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Daft question, but how is warrior ranged? I dismissed warrior cos I like ranged play most, so I really wanna know please.
Warriors are quite lethal ranged.
Can a Guardian be lethal ranged as well?
Sounds like maybe warrior is the best heavy armor choice if it gets lethal range, melee skills, and can be defensive as well.
I didn’t like my Engineer till I got to level 10 and got the Flamethrower kit so stick with each class you try a bit to see if you truly like it.
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks
Get slots, if you’re into alts.
But the top post has some misconceptions that will hamper good decisions.
There is no tank type.
There isn’t really a stealthy type — thief stealth lasts for just a couple of seconds.
Ranged dps — one of the strongest professions for this is the warrior.
Control-support type — if you’re in a dungeon, that’s at least part of what you’re doing.All professions do all roles (cept for pet, that really is the ranger thing).
No stealth type? What makes the thief different from other DPS then?
If all the professions do all the roles…then I guess its just a matter of the how they do it and what style they use. But some must be better at some roles then others?
Like a light wearing type wouldnt last long holding aggro?
The thief’s abilities and style of combat favor a lot of bouncing around with medium armor and small weapons. What sets them apart is they use an “initiative pool” to limit how many skills they can fire off, whereas other professions have cooldowns on their skills. The other unique thief aspect is they “steal” which has them shadow-step to the target and they “steal” a special ability that they can then deploy.
Last-long holding aggro:
When you’re dealing with serious mobs, no profession can take direct hits. There’s not well-specified aggro like there is in other games, no taunts, no de-taunts. There are different approaches to survivability. Best is not to be there when the strike lands. Do this by being at ranged (mobs tend to attack the closest), by blocking or reflecting, by healing thru damage (which works on normal mobs but not in a dungeon), and by evading.
By the time you hit level 80 you more than likely will be able to buy 800 gems with the in game money you make so dont worry too much about it…and if you dont fall into the crafting trap right away you can sell a ton of materials you loot/gather and get those 800 gems even sooner…better yet, 1600 gems and buy 2 character slots.
I have a 19 guardian, and yes they have a ranged set too, using a scepter they can be pretty lethal at ranged. //
I have a 19 guardian, and yes they have a ranged set too, using a scepter they can be pretty lethal at ranged.
The projectiles it fires move a little slowly so it can be easy to miss a moving target, but it does work fairly nicely aside from that.
1)Ranged dps type – Engineer (for something different since elementalist seems like your typical fireballing fantasy wizard)
The elementalist isn’t your typical mage. You constantly switch between four attunements to be at your best. Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth each with it’s own style and theme. Don’t assume the archetypes here are as simple as others :p
Zhaitan: “Challenge accepted.”