Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
gift of magic & gift of might
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
you could try the mystic forge way. for instance cores to lodes, though last I checked its only useful for something like Powerful Blood which costs so much if you were to buy normal. my average when using MF to get full stack Blood was 8 stacks. so you would save around 25g to get full stack this way.
you can also do dungeons, you will get a lot of mats quite easily due to loot/champ bags. also you don’t need to do 12 hours per day (i dont think I did that much even when i could farm cof p1). you only need to do max 2-3 hours to get about 20g/day. just do the dungeons that you think are fun, and leave the rest. for instance, I usually skip SE, CM, AC P2, COF except P1, etc. Even though most are usually fast, I don’t like those dungeons.. like SE which bores me to death. If I do Arah and some of the others I usually make enough.
(edited by nagr.1593)
Yes. I’ve only ever “played how I want” that does not include any form of arbitrage. 600g isn’t a lot in the grand scheme of things.
Farming all the materials with yourself without buying them off the TP is much harder, though, but absolutely possible.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
You can get T6 mats for laurels (I guess it’s around 3 for 1 laurel) or by forging some Mystic Clovers (you have a chance of around 30% of getting 2-4 T6 mats for 1 ectoplasm + 1 obsidian shard + junk).
Checking with guild mates who are willing to help donate to your cause is also another way. I was almost to the end of my legendary and one of them sent me 100+ of the last 4 that I needed. Another sent me 19g worth of crystalline dust to finish that gift. Others donated lodestones and cores. The rest I crafted/looted.
Just remember donations go both ways. A good guild mate gives back. I’ve been donating onyx cores and lodestones to another guild mate. Yet another who is going for a legendary needed dyes and with the reduced drop rate she didn’t have any having used or gave away all the ones that she did identify. Since I have 5 characters with multiples, I donated 100 unid’d dyes. It’s little things like this that bind a guild together because at the end of the day, it’s just a virtual item that has no impact except to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Certain dungeons are very good for cores for upgrading. Upgrading t5 materials to t6 is easier than steadily farming your way up there.
make your clovers first. 2/3 of the time, you will get T6 mats instead (common, fine, or rare). this will give you roughly 25 of every T6 material.
after that, you will need to buy a lot of them off the TP. you don’t need to be a TP baron to buy stuff off the TP, but you will spend the next year grinding mobs if you try to find them all yourself.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
I never farmed or did anything special to gain money, nor did I have any significant drop. Playing like that, it took me around 1000 hours of gaming to get a legendary (and obviously alot of different various other stuff. Different armor sets, expensive runes and bla bla)
Making the clovers really helps with the t6 mats and I also used alot of Laurels for the t6 mats, which I certainly do not regret. After 2400 hours of gaming I am about to get my third legendary without ever farming especially for it or any significant drop. So yeah. Just play have fun and get your daily stuff ^^
The last 20-50 t6 mats of every stack though I just bought from the tp, because I already had everything else and a bit of money leftover. Just do it as you feel most comfortable with.
I agree that you should make the clovers first, because if you don’t get one you’ll quite likely get T6 mats instead.
Also play in level 80 areas (where they drop more often) whenever possible.
I’m also using my laurels to get them. It’s slow for me because I had none when I first decided to do this, but if you’ve got some stockpiled it will give you a headstart.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
You just have to buy whatever you don’t get from the clovers. The part of making a legendary that I like least, yes, even more than the problem of getting a precursor. You can buy them with gold or laurels, but either way you are buying them. I had stacks and stacks of T5, promoting in the forge worked out to be less effective than just selling the T5 and using the profit to buy T6.
People are speculating that with the return of the Crown Pavilion , t6 prices will fall due to the crazy champ farm. So if you’re gonna buy them off the TP, try and get most of them during the next few weeks if you want to save some gold. I just completed my gift of fortune today, couldn’t of done it without the help from my guildies
also, I would say to make gift of might and magic last when making a legendary. the reason is that if you get them first, you’ll then be grinding out gold for the precursor, getting T6 mats in the process, and just selling them to the TP for the gold. It would be more economical to not buy those mats in the first place and have the ones you find go toward these gifts. basically save the 15% TP tax.
overall, this is my suggested order of things to complete for a legendary:
1) Gift of Battle + Bloodstone Shard + Gift of Exploration
2) Mystic Clover
3) Gift of Mastery
4) Precursor + 100 Icy Runestone
5) Gift of Legendary
6) Gift of Magic + Gift of Might + Gift of Fortune
7) Legendary
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
you could try the mystic forge way. for instance cores to lodes, though last I checked its only useful for something like Powerful Blood which costs so much if you were to buy normal. my average when using MF to get full stack Blood was 8 stacks. so you would save around 25g to get full stack this way.
you can also do dungeons, you will get a lot of mats quite easily due to loot/champ bags. also you don’t need to do 12 hours per day
(i dont think I did that much even when i could farm cof p1). you only need to do max 2-3 hours to get about 20g/day. just do the dungeons that you think are fun, and leave the rest. for instance, I usually skip SE, CM, AC P2, COF except P1, etc. Even though most are usually fast, I don’t like those dungeons.. like SE which bores me to death. If I do Arah and some of the others I usually make enough.
how do you get 20g a day from doing dungeons? what the hell?
also, i had finished my clovers now, and had 80-100 of each now. I play alone so my only option is to farm for money since I don’t have enough crystalline dust to stuff Zommoros’s mouth with t5 mats. I have an excess of laurels I don’t care about so I will use those too. I didn’t know you could use them to get the mats.
I need 100 onyx lodestones so I’m not toooo concerned about getting all the t6 mats NOW NOW NOW since I’ll be farming TA for 3 years but with how little I’ve ever seen them drop I was wonderign if there was a better option for obtaining them.
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
maybe 15 dungeon paths = 20g in like 4 hours?
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes