grouping bonus

grouping bonus

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: riotnrrrd.9582


has anyone felt like they were in a solo game like A creed or skyrim? I like to be social but it feels like other players are npc’s

no one wants group unless doing dungeon.
no one talks much except trolling /map (there are many excetions to this many that help other players with info)

but so few ever group and be social adventures together. and well why would they when anyone can hit a mob an get in on kill. wich i love this feature no fighting over mobs aka kill stealing.

so what i was wondering is do you think a experience bonus for grouping would encourage people to be more social PUG a little more?

grouping bonus

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kal.4350


I see it more as everybody is in the same group…
Why do you need to be tagged as grouped, when the functionallity you have in other games is there, just for everybody. You share kills, drops, experience, objective completion…

grouping bonus

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tatty.9680


It would be nice to share heart progress within a party. It’s like the game is anti party. I have to wait for my friend to catch up with everything lol

Fear The Chickens –

grouping bonus

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Svenn.5209


I am always grouping with friends. I also find myself being much more social with random strangers because we are both rewarded for everything.

Svenn Ethir – Seeds of War – Stormbluff Isle

grouping bonus

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: riotnrrrd.9582


I see it more as everybody is in the same group…
Why do you need to be tagged as grouped, when the functionallity you have in other games is there, just for everybody. You share kills, drops, experience, objective completion…

because as i said no one talks much. if grouped would talk a little maybe make new friends.

as it is now they hit few times an run off some dont even wait around for loot. some do. but no one talks or responds in /say when are near you. i was just hoping for something to encourage people to interact

grouping bonus

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

I’m always seeing people forming groups for hearts or events. I generally see people helping each other a lot, its a good change from competing for kills and trolling spawn points. I would expect this will very quite a bit based on your server.

(edited by vae victus.7850)