help the noob (2)
I’m not sure, but keep in mind that when you put something on the tradepost you can cancel the trade (unless someone bought it). some people use that feature as storage. By adding an incredible high price on it they are sure to get the item back (or get a very good price for it).
I’ve looked up the greatsword you mentioned on, though for a level 3 weapon it has very nice stats, it is a very regular skin, and with little effort you get a higher level weapon with better stats (you can get to lvl 7 without fighting anything beside in the tutorial by just exploring the 6 city’s).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Not sure if this relates to your question, but some white items, such as white weapons and especially salvage items, seem to be worth a lot. I can’t really tell why, but my best guess is because they present a chance for more materials when salvaged.
Well, they are blue, so it doesnt make much of a difference.. all the half eaten weapons are much more expensive than others at same level.. and i cant see smth special or even different appearance.. An other example at armors is the bloodsaw leather work set (masterwork) that is much more expensive than other masterworks at same level and i cant see the reason..