helping with my legendary

helping with my legendary

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Bramster.1970

The Bramster.1970

Hi Guys,
I am working towards my legendary Twilight and i need 600g and some t6 mats for it.
Now I know its alot of work to get that so i would love if someone would help me to get this. Maybe some donations or just playing because i am doing this on my own its really hard and have no friends to play with so maybe u guys could help met out. If ur willing to help me anything would be nice. Sorry for my bad english.
The Bramster.1970

helping with my legendary

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


Get into a helpful guild that can help you farm and do quick dungeon runs for money. Maybe see if you can trade services for money, i.e. porting jump puzzles (which isn’t all that profitable, just came to mind).

Bottom line, you won’t get much help if any by begging on the forums. Legendaries are meant to take a ridiculous amount of time and money just for a skin. You must be willing to put in the effort (or pay real money for gems and convert to gold) if you expect to ever get a legendary. I surely won’t give you a single copper.

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated

helping with my legendary

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lodius.5392


The theory of giving in this game is someone lacking. Most of the community from my experience is very greedy (myself included).

I have been playing as a level 80 for months… I have saved gold… saved t6 mats.. etc etc… you know the drill…

However, I still do not have a legendary either. It takes a ton of time.

600g is practically the equivalent of 600 dungeon runs. That is a serious time investment.

I have even farmed Orr for hours trying to get T6 mats or good drops. It just… doesn’t happen very fast.

I am part of an extremely large guild and they haven’t helped me out except for running dungeons with me occasionally.

The community is a very “get up and get it yourself” community.

I even ran into one guy that was scamming people for hundreds of gold just because he was to lazy to do it himself. He got me for 90 gold….

So again… handouts are not typical.

Good Luck