hi im new here and want to make new friends
There’s several towns or cities named Evansville.
Hi Chris. I take it this is To Catch a Predator, the MMO edition?
RIP City of Heroes
Hi Chris. I take it this is To Catch a Predator, the MMO edition?
LOL +1
@OP: I think you need to run your forum posts by your parents. Posting anything about where you live on an open forum is a terrible idea. You don’t know who is reading it.
If you want GW2 friends, join a guild in-game and spend time playing with people. DON’T give out your physical location. Lots of friends are online-only these days.
If you want IRL friends, join a church or a club, check meetup.com for groups in your area, check your local community center, etc. Again, don’t post your physical location anywhere.
And seriously, make sure your parents know where you post and what you post. You’ll save yourselves and them a lot of heartache and worry by being open about what you’re putting out in public.
And seriously, make sure your parents know where you post and what you post. You’ll save yourselves and them a lot of heartache and worry by being open about what you’re putting out in public.
tell that parent you feel safer/closer with in case you have two of them.
i feel that moms get fired up too easily and start stalking their kids or so. its like they always are there to “care” but never really teach anything about the world around us, because they think the truth will hurt – thats a mistake. im a female myself btw. saying that is only slightly risky. i hope you got a good dad. they actually teach their kids something. mothers are usually nervous and tired. they are that for vain, i dont know why go at everything so personally. kids are beings of their own, parents there to help them grow up, so kids can live by themselves in the end.
that was off topic… once again, imo truth should be told kids before a situation happens. that people eventually die, and in death they no longer move or talk. you cant have fun with dead people. also its actually pointless to cry for them, but if it makes you feel better, go ahead.
and its benefical to get a job, work, that money is part of this world, how its used etc. how politics are mostly about lies, how media can manipulate you…
actually i dont even know if your average person understands this is true.
kitten , make sure YOU know enough before you make kids.
teach them as soon as they understand what youre saying.
humans will never develop if we keep kids at tv, feeding them like cattle. they are not animals. they are just as intellegent as any of adults, but only have less information. make sure to not feed them lies. whoever feeds them lies is a rotten person from inside.
i wonder wich forum i should be at… i’m lost myself.
in any case, original poster, people who abuse other people exist. some call them “bad people” but no, in reality, they are people who abuse other people. there is no bad or good. like others have said, dont give useful information about yourself to others. dont let anyone abuse you. location is one of those informations.
i hope i didnt mistake your position.
im good it what ever im not a kid either im 25 im just looking for friends. that live around me and i know to well about the stupid stuff you just wrote ive been playing video games way to long so i know about that stuff so im not worried =) and have a great new years guys