how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yviz.1053


I’m level 7 now and I’m sick of the empty worlds which is understandable as majority of the population is now doing endgame content. I want to get to 80 in under a week. How do I do this as quickly as possible?

Please don’t troll… I’m looking for serious/helpful answers.

Thank you in advance.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pugo.8039


WvW since you are scaled up and get xp for doing everything, crafting if you have money from mains (i’m guessing not), finding good event chains to farm. If you put in a lot of time each day you can probably get to 80 in about a week just following story mission WPs to level-appropriate zones and doing the hearts and events there but it does get kinda dull when they are empty for 40 levels

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlankHearts.8216


I heard there is a nice event chain in Kessex hills that im ’’trying’’ to do but no one is here in this map right now. Any other leveling tips? I’m growing tired of going from map to map doing events and exploring, been doing that for about a week or two and I haven’t been getting a lot of levels.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Explore and get 100% on each map. Each POI/Vista etc you discover gives exp and when you get 100% on a map you get about 2/3 of a level which is generally a huge boost.

This is what I base my leveling around usually.

Dungeons help too once you get to those levels but you would need a regular group and hit the easier dungeons daily. I think each dungeon completed gives 2/3 of a level or something like that – I get 177k exp for completing a dungeon path at L80.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: derevan.8751


My best time is in 4 hours 20 with crafting and leveling every craft to 375-380 (you need to have the materials ready and some gold).

Else i would say exploring like Bluestone said.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silentones.2349


why are ppl in a hurry to rush to get to lvl 80? there is no end game stuff….. and almost everyone that hit lvl 80 left the game overall… everyone that I played with since it came out disappeared >.>;; sadly * Sigh *

Level 80 Rng
Leader of [KOIS]

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageQuit.5687


I’m level 7 now and I’m sick of the empty worlds which is understandable as majority of the population is now doing endgame content. I want to get to 80 in under a week. How do I do this as quickly as possible?

Please don’t troll… I’m looking for serious/helpful answers.

Thank you in advance.

If you have gold, then you can do 80 in a day roughly.
Crafting everything to lvl 400 will get you there.

Took my alt Guardian from 30 to 75 in two and a half crafting professions, the rest I levelled in Orr in about 2h roughly.

If you don’t have gold, do event chains.
Up to lvl 20 – do divinity’s reach : Champ Troll > Queen Wasp > Champ Boar > Defend Farm

Up to 30/35 (35 is pushing it) do the Kessex Centaur Lieutenant runs.

Then craft, or do Harathi Runs up to 50.. There’s plenty of guides on google you know.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Once you’re level 35 you can do AC speed clears; even with low level chars all three paths shouldn’t take more than around an hour. That’s almost three levels.
After you’ve done all paths you can continue doing AC SCs if you want but you’ll get only 20 ATears instead of 60.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Neutro.3079


Finish all your personnal story quest, they give almost 1 level each. If you have a friend lvl 80, he can do them with you so you can finish your lvl 80 quest even at level 20 or so

Also as said, it’s possible to do 0 – 80 only by crafting but it requires a lot of gold.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yviz.1053


Also as said, it’s possible to do 0 – 80 only by crafting but it requires a lot of gold.

How much gold roughly? If we’re talking hundreds of gold then forget it…

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vlawde.1895


Not sure what you mean by empty lower level areas, I’m still in my starting area and there are tons of people.

Dunno why you’d want to power past the majority of the games content. Kind of like skipping most of the levels in a Mario game just so you can beat Bowser and rescue the princess. Then what do you do?

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


Zone pops depend on times and server. So everyone sees it slightly differently.

Exploring is good for leveling, also resource gathering, then you can use the materials to craft which is free XP.

Doing the daily also helps. You get extra XP for hitting goals in the daily achievement above and beyond the XP you get for doing the events, etc. Then you get XP, money and karma at the end.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GraynX.8947


My guess is you’re going to be disappointed if you power level to 80 “to play with other people”.

If you just want company and you cant find anyone in the zones, I would suggest to participate in WvW. If there is no one in WvW, as well as PvE, then you may want to switch servers.

I found a quick way to level is to run WvW and do your storyline. But, I would agree with the other posters, enjoy the exploration because a level 80 is not having that much more fun then a level 7.

Beat Reporter at

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ClassicEvil.6412


I actually just started my Asuran Guardian last Friday and I’ve gotten him to 45 (now Monday) through all the ways listed above. Here’s my advice;

Guild Wars isn’t really a game about the quick climb to 80, it’ll be tough (without gold that is) no matter which way you look at it. If this is an alt, I’m assuming you’ll have a bit more knowledge about the game and can efficiently try everything. Crafting is worth the investment, especially in the later levels. Event farming isn’t fun, so I suggest exploring, doing the Heart Quests that seem fun or easier, and get as many POIs, Vistas and Skill points as possible. Tackle the personal storyline and do the occasional dungeon and WvW visit to keep yourself entertained. If you’re not on 24/7, a week is a good estimate for getting to level 80. Good luck!

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlankHearts.8216


I wanted to do the harathi hinterlands runs since I saw videos of tons of people doing the event chains but…its been a ghost town here.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JMadFour.9730


why are ppl in a hurry to rush to get to lvl 80? there is no end game stuff….. and almost everyone that hit lvl 80 left the game overall… everyone that I played with since it came out disappeared >.>;; sadly * Sigh *

well thats just how people are in MMORPGs. they wanna rush and rush and rush and do everything as fast as possible and then once its done, they whine and cry about not having anything to rush and rush and rush through.

buncha idiots if you ask me.

“Quaggan is about to foo up your day.” – Romperoo

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SlimGenre.6417


explore to 100% until lvl 35.

At lvl 35 start doing dungeons. You get 70% towards next lvl upon path completion, plus the extra experience during the dungeon path, plus a great way to get gold, plus you can start saving those tokens for exotic gear. Once you learn dungeon paths you’ll fly through AC path 1,2,3 with a good group in about an hour and a half and go up 3 or 4 levels, and probably also bank about 2-3 gold depending on how much of the dungeon you complete on each path.

I guess crafting is another option, but crafting from lvl 0 – 400 only nets you 10 levels per discipline, so if you started at lvl 0 and max crafted all 8 disciplines, you would be lvl 80. That would probably cost you about 25 – 30 gold at least, so in my mind crafting is a dumb way to level. Frankly, crafting is dumb period… way too expensive or time consuming, and it’s much cheaper to just buy stuff from the trading post then to get characters leveled to 400 in each discipline… unless of course you have multiple characters, then I guess it is kind of nice to be able to craft gear for multiple characters.

(edited by SlimGenre.6417)

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PeerlessArch.6547


Keep in mind that some people may want to `rush` to 80 b/c theyve already leveled 3 other toons and there is nothing left to explore that you havent already seen…

I took my time leveling my Ele to 80, (and enjoyed every minute of it) getting 100% each map as I went. But for any other toons I make, I would rather find a quicker way then doing the same thing again, or 2 additional times for that matter…

Currently wandering Tarnished Coast
Celestiel Veil – 80 Elementalist

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rannug.2731


I leveled a ranger to 80 pretty much just doing PvE going to hearts, waypoints, vistas… it went pretty fast. Tried a mesmer afterwards and got stuck on it because I like the play style. The ranger was a Norn, the Mesmer is a Human so the starting area and personal story is different.
Taking my time now and going for 100% map completion. The 80 Ranger had a 42%.. Loving the game, taking my time to look around..

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SlimGenre.6417


@Rannug, I followed the same path, my Ranger (first profession) levelled quickly, mainly because I went for 100% map completion with this character, and that’s quick. On the other hand my ele (second profession, and by far the one I love the most) is only at about 50% map completion, took a little longer to level because I focused less on map completion and more on WvW and dungeons at that point. But I definitely think map completion is the fastest way to level, dungeons are second.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


I’ve leveled 6 characters to 80, and the fastest way I’ve found is to alternate human – charr areas. I think they’re the best in terms of hearts/events (except for that kitten FLAG HEART) and make sure to 100% them and gather. I can usually do ~8 levels in 3 or 4 hours.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: teles.8734


I get tome of knowledges from pvp, it’s an instant level boost.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


I’ve leveled 6 characters to 80, and the fastest way I’ve found is to alternate human – charr areas. I think they’re the best in terms of hearts/events (except for that kitten FLAG HEART) and make sure to 100% them and gather. I can usually do ~8 levels in 3 or 4 hours.

You mean the stealth one? Run to the left, activate, run to the right, jump on top of the cogs, activate, dodgeroll-jump from the cogs to the top of the tent, drop on the other side, dodgeroll to the post on the left, then wait for the final stealthed seeker to disappear before dodgerolling to his position.

It takes 2 runs, the heart can be cleared in 3 minutes.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LinkR.6190


I sense powerful necromancy within this thread… Zhaitan has risen!

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Do ALL the things!! Hearts, events, crafting, gathering, killing, jumping puzzles, rezzing NPCs and players, Pretty much everything gives exp, the only way you’re not getting exp is standing around, and even then you can still get exp…
Daily and monthly achievements also give a great amount of EXP.
Any of the achievments give exp. But most of all have fun!

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

(edited by pdavis.8031)

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iNitrogen.2716


1) Log on
2) Go to Edge of the Mists
3) Follow the commander
4) ?
5) Be level 80

The more time you can spend in EotM the faster you can get to level 80.
I hit cap with my mesmer in a week while playing there. All under 24 hours of playing time.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Organization Sekhen.2481

Organization Sekhen.2481

I like how the thread was necromanced when the original issue, empty zones, is being treated anyway ^^


how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176


We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances