how do you lock onto your target?
I don’t. And it’s very annoying. I don’t do Tequatl so the one I see the target dropping on a lot is the Golem Mark II event. I drop that target repeatedly each time I do it in spite of marking it and have to tab through inquest, golems and drakes to reacquire it.
Targeting flickers. I’ve tried every setting in options about targeting, and it flickers or reset or something. Even if I dont move when attacking, I sometimes loose my target. And when tab’ing to find target again, it find mobs all over, behind walls, in a cave under me and so on. It is annyoing.
Maybe its something to do with lag, cause sometimes when I attack/run to a mob, we will run past eachother couple of times before my pc and the server agree on where we are and we can start bashing.
Same problem, it will never get fixed cause low priority, learn to live with it.
Agreed—the targeting needs to be be fixed. I agree it won’t be fixed lke many of the other bugs that have been ignored.
Hmm I don’t think that’s a bug- it’s actually intended but is the result of not giving targeting much thought.
Why even have a command to mark targets when it doesnt even make you stay on your focus target?
There’s a Promote to lock target option in the Options area(second from bottom) but it wont fix the fact that when the target actually disappears (all the fights you’ve mentioned so far), you will lose target on it or when YOU click somewhere else with your mouse it will lose target.
CTRL-T is TARGET CALLING for you party, it is in no way related to the targeting mechanics.
If your target disappears you will lose targeting on it (Golem Mark II, Shadow Behemoth, and any other monster fight whose target points change throughout the fight).
I can see a lot of people have this issue but I never noticed it nor has it actually happened to me…
I’m curious as to why?
Is it possible you’re not facing the target when attacking? Generally if your character is facing away from the target, you won’t hit target at all, so it’s possible that your attks will hit somewhere else and the auto-target might change target because of it.
If this statement above is true, then the target is working as intended, however, if it’s false, then I am not sure what to say.
Positioning is Key in GW2’s combat. So movement & dodge is vital to whether your attacks hit or miss.
I still loose target, with auto-target off. As I said, I’ve tried every possible setting in target option menu, and standing still, with the mob in front of me I still loose target and stop attacking from time to time.
Its most annoying when I have to deal with a group of enemies, it can be hard to see if I am attacking or not, so I keep auto-targeting on so I dont stop, but that means I attack all at the same time, and dont take them down one by one. And the group is often a result of not staring at the targets healthbar so I dont see when the target switch and I pull mobs from all over.
About the positioning, Im not sure how that works anymore, because it doesnt always help standing behind the target. This is something I have noticed before, but the last month or so its almost no point trying to avoid, I get hit no matter where I stand.
I do think it has something with lag/connection to do, as framerate is going down and loadingscreens take longer and longer. It could be on my end, but only gw2 has changed, everything else I do on my pc/internet seems the same.
I still loose target, with auto-target off. As I said, I’ve tried every possible setting in target option menu, and standing still, with the mob in front of me I still loose target and stop attacking from time to time.
Its most annoying when I have to deal with a group of enemies, it can be hard to see if I am attacking or not, so I keep auto-targeting on so I dont stop, but that means I attack all at the same time, and dont take them down one by one. And the group is often a result of not staring at the targets healthbar so I dont see when the target switch and I pull mobs from all over.
About the positioning, Im not sure how that works anymore, because it doesnt always help standing behind the target. This is something I have noticed before, but the last month or so its almost no point trying to avoid, I get hit no matter where I stand.
I do think it has something with lag/connection to do, as framerate is going down and loadingscreens take longer and longer. It could be on my end, but only gw2 has changed, everything else I do on my pc/internet seems the same.
Then kitten , I don’t know what to say.
I never had this issue before.
I wish I could offer a better solution but im afraid I got none to offer at this point. =(