how to farm precusors no crafts
Its all RNG (random number generator) mate, the chances of it dropping are extremely low from mystic forge or other in game rewards (e.g. like openning a bag, do certain missions).
Because of the low chances its extremely valuable and therefore they made it possible to craft it.
Theres no way to farm them as far as I know
You can buy/farm a bunch of exotic weapons to throw into the MF. Even then it’s rare. Relying on random drops from mobs will almost certainty disappoint you, most players who have been here since the beginning have never had a precursor drop, myself included.
There’s a reason precursors are so expensive, and being easy to get is not it.
(edited by onevstheworld.2419)
take 4 of same yellow or orange weapon 76-80 put them together in the mystic forge and keep doing so untill your lucky enough to get a precursor.
That is the only way to not craft them.
If I were in your shoes I would salvage or out right sell if the yellow/orange is worth more unbroken.
The MF isn’t crafting in the sense that armorsmithing and weaponsmithing is. Anyone can toss four items into the MF and a random item that is similar with a chance to be higher quality will come out of it.
“Farming” precursors this way involves throwing hundreds of high level rare/exotic weapons into the Forge and hoping to get lucky (or eventually average out your chances) and get a precursor. You can farm gold/tokens/materials and buy or craft the weapons you Forge but as the poster above states you can’t really farm the precursor directly – they are valuable because the demand for some of them is very high while the supply is extremely low.
If there was a way to get many precursors quickly they would cost as much as any other exotic weapon.
You seem to be very new to the game, don’t be in such a hurry to make money, play the game and the money will come.
Mystic forge a precursor, you need to be rich, very rich.
The forge is a gambling way. Most of the case have to forge a large amount in order to get one. And the potential to lose couple hundred gold without getting anything is very high. If you want to forge a precursor for sale because you are poor, you are most likely result in losing gold to rage quit.
There is a reason the precursor is so expensive on TP.
Mystic forge a precursor, you need to be rich, very rich.
Not really. The daily gives 2g for a brief effort, the loot you gather or accumulate while doing it can easily give you a couple more gold, enough to buy eight rare greatswords or whatever for an hour or two of “work.” That’s two Forge attempts per day and a bonus every other day as you Forge the output of those four attempts.
Your chance at a precursor per Forge never changes, 2-3 attempts per day over six months has the same chance of success as 500 attempts in one session. And that’s not even counting dungeon runs or Forging the rares you get from the world bosses. Having patience is more important than having gold, hardcore MMO players have been trained to rush through everything as quickly as possible. Then they get bored without goals to work on and demand more stuff to do. Which wouldn’t be a problem if they took their time and enjoyed the game for what it is instead of wanting everything a week ago Thursday.
I have a number of alts stationed at chests collecting silver doubloons against the possibility of crafting Juggernaut someday. That won’t happen tomorrow, but since June I’ve gone from 0 doubloons to 125 or so (halfway to the 250 I will need) without spending a copper… making money in fact because I can salvage or sell the other loot from the chests. And if I eventually decide against Juggernaut I can sell those doubloons (currently worth about 2.5g each) and pretty much buy a different precursor outright.
If you stop looking for “get rich quick” then it’s not that hard to achieve your goals.
Mystic forge a precursor, you need to be rich, very rich.
Not really. The daily gives 2g for a brief effort, the loot you gather or accumulate while doing it can easily give you a couple more gold, enough to buy eight rare greatswords or whatever for an hour or two of “work.” That’s two Forge attempts per day and a bonus every other day as you Forge the output of those four attempts.
If you stop looking for “get rich quick” then it’s not that hard to achieve your goals.
If OP can take it slow, why not just gather daily 2g and sell everything to get gold. Thinking of forge a precursor for sell is expecting a get rich quick method. I am trying to warn a fellow player not to gamble and end up losing gold.
I still remember almost every week we got ranting post about players that failed to forge a precursor for months and end up losing more gold than buying one from forge. And there are video on youtube that a player flushed hundreds of exotic greatsword without endup losing everything.
Thats why we have precursor crafting now.
Pledge your faith to RNGesus and offer up a blood sacrifice every night after brushing your teeth AND ONLY after brushing… If its before… Nobody can save you.
Crafting and the Mystic Forge are two entirely seperate things.
Crafting uses raw materials at a crafting station to make items with a precictable, guarenteed result (unlike some games there is no risk of it failing). But you have to level it up before you can make the best items in the game.
Using the Mystic Forge simply means throwing items together to see what you get. It doesn’t require any practice or training up skills, you just open the menu and double click the items you want to throw in. The downside is that there are very few recipies with a guarenteed result, most are random.
The one for precursors is probably the most random of all. You throw in 4 weapons and you get 1 weapon back. The only guarentees are that the weapon you get back will be equal or higher rarity than the ones you put in, and that if all 4 are the same type you’ll get that type of weapon back (e.g. throw in 4 swords and you’ll get a sword).
Most people recommend using exotic weapons if you’re trying for a precursor because that at least narrows the possible results down to 1 tier. But you can still get any other exotic weapon, not just the named ones but things like ‘Rabid Soft Wood Shortbow’. The chance of getting a precursor is estimated to be about 0.79%. So while it can make you a lot of money if you get lucky you’re likely to lose a lot of gold trying.
Which is not to say don’t do it it. Just that you should only do it if you’re willing to gamble and can afford to lose. If you’re looking for a reliable way to make gold this is not it.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Gotten lucky with the forge in the past but it’s not rare to put 40 to 80 gold worth of rares in the MF each week and not get anything at all for 7 months. Understand the commitment before going in and be prepared to persevere through some long droughts.
The world boss circuit will provide the rares if you put in the time. I’d suggest you get several characters to level 80 and geared in exotics so you can repeat good event chains after learning what events chain together. You improve your chances by using those other characters to repeat good events and to remove the “diminishing returns” effect.
The only way to not get a precursor eventually is to stop trying.
I would only use the mystic forge to get precursers if you enjoy gambling and are specifically looking to gamble for pleasure. For those that don’t want to gamble, you can farm, or alternatively with the new legandaries farm and complete achievements. If you want legandaries just to sell, then you are actually after profit (assumable big ticket/high profit margins sales) , in which case smart buying and selling is the way to go.
Bear in mind their value in TP is proportional to supply.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
It most certainly is gambling!
A lot of this game is designed around the image we display and I guess to me the single biggest long term goal is to be able to display a character with all legendary weapons of my choice. I think the game throws enough gold at us if we play consistently so it’s an attainable goal using that gold to gamble for what I want.
Gambling with game generated coin is still gambling, period.
It most certainly is gambling!
A lot of this game is designed around the image we display and I guess to me the single biggest long term goal is to be able to display a character with all legendary weapons of my choice. I think the game throws enough gold at us if we play consistently so it’s an attainable goal using that gold to gamble for what I want.
Gambling with game generated coin is still gambling, period.
Rolling for precursors in the forge isn’t really gambling if you throw enough of the right items into the forge. The price of precursors is high enough that, if you’re patient and willing to consistently risk up to 1500 gold in losses, you will profit in the long run. The reason that more people don’t do it is that it’s tedious and boring (or maybe dull and repetitive — it’s hard to remember since I fall asleep trying it).
Those only willing to risk a hundred or so rares should presume it’s a total loss, since the drop rate is really low.
There’s quite a lot of data available on the drop rates and the API provides real time data on TP values, so it’s not that hard to establish what is profitable and what isn’t. (Throwing cheaply crafted rare GS, Staffs, Swords, and perhaps a few others: profitable; exotics and other rares: mostly never profitable.)
tl;dr if you have 1000-2000 gold and are willing to risk it, you’ll profit in the long run. If you aren’t willing to risk that much, then consider it a lotto ticket, i.e. you’ll throw away a few gold here and there and hope for the best.
I threw in 32k ascalonian tears and got the axe pre.