so since the bltc has come up for good , it has been working relatively well for me , and i have been systematically posting for sale (on bltc) the gear i had stored on my alts. and i have been getting my money when it has sold no problem
the problem i am now seeing is that under the heading " items you are selling" in my transactions — i see a page of the most recent items i have listed for sale, but there is no way to see items i have listed earlier — i only get the one page (only about 12 items or so)
what am i missing? is there a page turn prompt somewhere? how do i access the items that would be on the second or third pages? i am sure i have about 25 or so items that i put up for sale
they are not in my pick up area , or in my bank/bags — and i believe them to still be for sale (cause i priced a cpl things very high , and when i searched for them there was that item for about the price i listed it for.)
is there a limit of things you can list to sell at one time? i hope i did not lose those items as there was some higher price stuff, not to mention listing fee
i also have no option to remove an item (other than the first 15 or so, on first page)
what if i didnt want to sell something now
is this just a tp glitch?
any help will be appreciated — thought i would ask here before i filed a support ticket