keyboard color changes with health?

keyboard color changes with health?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zugly.9035


Hi community,
I have an alienware laptop and I am wondering if, in GW2, it is possible to change the keyboard color with the health of my character ?

if yes, can you give all the details needed to do it.
thank you in advance,

keyboard color changes with health?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

I don’t know a thing about alienware, but with a macro it is possible to start an action depending on what is seen on the screen (was used in gw1 for skill interrupts). The thing is to sample the health orb full, then the health orb at 50…25….10% hp and asign each image of the orb to a key that would change the color of your keyboard.

At the end, when you health reaches 50% for eg, the macro will see that the image of the 50% orb matches the requiered and will send a request to change the lights.

I hope that was clear/helpful!

Snow Crows [SC]

keyboard color changes with health?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

a small warning. I dont think it is any problem. But getting information from the game to an outside source is technicly not allowed in the eula. Though this will be hard to detect and I dont think in this case Anet will really mind, it might be better to file a supportticket first to check if they are ok with you doing this.

The reason is that Zugly’s suggested trigger: (when healthbulb is halffull, take this action) can indeed be used for the trigger to change the keyboards backlight. It can however er also be used to perform the action press 6, so you are automaticly healed.

The later is considered botting. It might be that the automatic bot detection system is going to mark you. So asking in advange and having approval is advisable imo.

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Arise, opressed of Tyria!

keyboard color changes with health?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zugly.9035


well I think I didn’t explained myself clearly. Mercury got it more when I was asking for
I don’t want any automatic action to be taken or skills to be used.

I just want the back-lights of my keyboards to change depending on how much HP I have. More or else, it is like when u start to see red all around your screen when you HP gets really low.

It was possible in other games I played without the need to install any addon or use any macro. So will really appreciate to see someone from ANET answering this question.

thanks in advance

keyboard color changes with health?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I doubt you’re going to get an answer from Anet – they rarely answer player questions and usually only stuff that relates directly to how the game works. In this case they might not even know, they might not have used Alienware software/hardware before.

I think you’d be better off asking on an Alienware forum because what you really need is someone who knows how their keyboards work, since this is something you will be setting up using their software rather than the game itself. At the moment you’re asking the relatively small number of people who both play GW2 AND own/have owned Alienware PCs AND use this forum and you could be waiting a while for an answer.

Although it might also be worth submitting a support ticket to find out if what you’re wanting to do is in breach of the EULA. It might not actually be a macro but it still involves extracting information from the game using 3rd party software, which is technically not allowed.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

keyboard color changes with health?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zugly.9035


ok thanks all for your replies and suggestions.