light armor classes

light armor classes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falxon.2167


iv done a warrior that i use in pve and i run a thief in wvw but i want to lvl another character and would like to have a light armor lvl 80 but i do not know which to choose or what i would use the class for. i like my warrior for the defense and i like my thief for the damage output. any help?

light armor classes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Well considering the thing s you like I would say ele. both necromancer and mesmer lean on the use of clones or minions for protection. The el can deal huge amounts of damage itself and can be set up to be pretty defensive. Keep in mind however it is the class with the lowest health light armor. so your defense comes totally from skills and traits. It is therefor an interesting but challenging class to play.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

light armor classes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Frotee.2634


You can easily play a necro without any minions. Not the mesmer though, because that one has ‘minions’ (the term rellay doesn’t fit) on all of his weapons.

Just try them out and stick with what feels the most fun.

Polka will never die

light armor classes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: drongas.4189


if u like warior i think ur choise necro. same skill button press and wait on cd


I’m kill you’r bessies

light armor classes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: yellow stang.5618

yellow stang.5618

I have a level 80 Necro, Mesmer, and Ele. The Necro and Mesmer both have full exotic armor, weapons, and jewelery, and 100% map completion on Cursed Shore. The Mesmer has also completed the Personal Story, while the Necro has finished the Story except for Arah. The Ele only reached level 80 last week, so I don’t have as much experience with her, but I do have enough to have opinions on the differences between the professions. This opinion is mostly about PvE since I rarely play PvP.

With the builds and playstyles I use, the Necro has the best survivability – she is very hard to put down. The reason is that she has an Ace in the hole with the Death Shroud mode. My Soul Reaping trait line is maxed out, which means that this Necro has a Death Shroud that recharges quickly and is extremely potent. The Consume Conditions healing skill is pretty good, and usually heals almost 1/3 of the total health supply. But when the skill is still recharging and your health is dangerously low, the Necro can switch to Death Shroud mode for a second wind. The Ele and Mesmer don’t have that option. Offensively, my Necro build is Curses-based, which means that DoT is her specialty. The damage is good too, but it is not burst DPS like the Ele. But in DS mode, it has high-output burst damage, especially with a full Life Force bar. Finally, the Necro’s Lich Form elite skill is amazing. It only lasts 30 seconds, but wow, does it apply some damage!

The Mesmer is a blast to play. IMO, the most fun of the three light armor classes. It is also the best light armor support class for PvE dungeons. There are a number of stealth/decoy options with the Mesmer, giving her the ability to run through mobs of dangerous foes fairly easily. This character has unique utility skills such as Portal Entre and Feedback that are essential in certain situations, particularly with groups. And this character has two awesome Elites – Time Warp and Moa Morph – the former is crazy good in dungeons, while the latter is a game changer in PvP. The fun part of playing a Mesmer is watching the foes chase your Clones thinking it’s you. Not to mention the damage the clones and phantasms do when you shatter them. Takes a while to get used to using the clones/phantasms effectively, but once you do, you are formidable indeed.

Finally, the Ele is the burst damage specialist. I mostly use the standard Dagger/Dagger build, and it is devastating. Throw in the elite Fiery Greatsword (which lasts almost two minutes if you are able to use both swords one after the other), and even mobs with a veteran or two go down fairly easily. The Ele is the most difficult of the 3 to play, however, because you have 20 weapon skills to learn and remember (as opposed to 10 for every other profession). Plus another 20 underwater. By level 30 or 40, you will become quite good at it, but it could take that long to learn.

So which to pick? To me, each was really fun. If I had to live with only one of them – I don’t know which I would pick! I could make an argument for all of them for sure. Easiest – Necro. Most fun – Mesmer. Most challenging – Elementalist.