looking for a decent all around GS/rifle build

looking for a decent all around GS/rifle build

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheRevo.8670


So having hit 80 i thought i should get my traits and and utilitys set up properly. for traits i have gone for a rather odd 20/20/15/0/15 set, and a 4 signet(healing, fury, dolyak and might) build with warband support as my elite. for gear i have been trying to stack up MF for some reason just to get them goodies(and i’d like to keep it that way somehow)unless someone proves me wrong), but mainly my jewelery is MF only and some armor piece(cant remember). They’re all yellow/one blue and im trying to find the one exotic armor set to go for.
I’m also looking for more of a tanky build then glasscannon build that i quess i have right now. i’m fairly go(o)d at dodging though and the build i have been going on so far hasn’t caused a problem(atleast that im aware of lol)

so, i need a good PvE build and equipment to save on. can ya guys help me out? Also I am taking suggestions for other weapon combos for dungeons, i tend to run SE with my friend alot when i got the time. and still haven’t done any story mode dungeon
and sorry if the text is bit fuzzy, exam week doesn’t do good for your leisure time typing lol :P

looking for a decent all around GS/rifle build

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SHM.7628


I’m assuming you are a Charr warrior from your post. Your build seems fine I’d probably sub out the warband elite for the AOE one (can’t remember the name. ATM)

What i would do if I were you is get rid of the magic find. Maigic find is useless thanks to diminishing rewards. I’d focus on strength, defense, healing. I love a high healing stat with the healing sig.

My W is a Char too with a defensve build. I loaded up on strength and defense attributes. I also went for dwayna armor for my exotic. It is very tanky and gives great healing bonuses. Between the high defense and the regen you’ll feel close to bulletproof.

I am partial to a hammer with W. It interupts and does knockdowns. used properly , it essentially halves incoming damage. plus it hits multiple foes rather effectively. ( and real hard!) A rifle in for range and you are set.

Don’t overlook thehealing stat AT level 80 I am regening north of 300* hp a second.

looking for a decent all around GS/rifle build

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheRevo.8670


…yeeaaa wrong section. sorry ‘bout that. Sure it’s not a big dealio for a mod to relocate this thread :s