looking for a decent all around GS/rifle build
I’m assuming you are a Charr warrior from your post. Your build seems fine I’d probably sub out the warband elite for the AOE one (can’t remember the name. ATM)
What i would do if I were you is get rid of the magic find. Maigic find is useless thanks to diminishing rewards. I’d focus on strength, defense, healing. I love a high healing stat with the healing sig.
My W is a Char too with a defensve build. I loaded up on strength and defense attributes. I also went for dwayna armor for my exotic. It is very tanky and gives great healing bonuses. Between the high defense and the regen you’ll feel close to bulletproof.
I am partial to a hammer with W. It interupts and does knockdowns. used properly , it essentially halves incoming damage. plus it hits multiple foes rather effectively. ( and real hard!) A rifle in for range and you are set.
Don’t overlook thehealing stat AT level 80 I am regening north of 300* hp a second.
…yeeaaa wrong section. sorry ‘bout that. Sure it’s not a big dealio for a mod to relocate this thread :s