looking for lvling advice
i do think i have an answer. i started doing the story quests and discovering the map by doing that! now i am lvl 76 after 1 hour.
Unfortunately there’s not much else to do. However once you hit 80 there’s alot to do so don’t get discouraged.
CoF path 1.
each run takes 5-20 minutes and gives you about 1 level.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
CoF path 1.
each run takes 5-20 minutes and gives you about 1 level.
This I got from 75 – 80 in 2 days doing this. and it paid for my draconic armor.
Do you craft? If you’re amenable to doing that, crafting can give quite a lot of exp, especially if you have the materials for doing a whole bunch at once. I have characters I don’t play often who have gained 5 levels or so just crafting stuff for my other characters to use.
Crafting got me from level 75 to 80 within an hour. But you do have to buy mats from TP if you don’t have enough in your bank.
Do you craft? If you’re amenable to doing that, crafting can give quite a lot of exp, especially if you have the materials for doing a whole bunch at once. I have characters I don’t play often who have gained 5 levels or so just crafting stuff for my other characters to use.
i love crafting but for now im a chef and i cant find good mats all over the world…
CoF path 1.
each run takes 5-20 minutes and gives you about 1 level.
thanks but im not in to dungeons so much now…
understandable. personally, leveling is so transient that you shouldn’t really ever focus on it. focus on map completion or events or wvw or dungeon stories or achievements or boss fights or roaming the countryside, and leveling will just happen.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes