looking for pve near to gmt+2 server
Are you looking for ‘prestige’ or people to play with? If the first, Desolation is the PVE server that does the big events. Otherwise it will not matter that much after Tuesday when Megaservers start to appear.
Even now you can guest to another server, in search of more people.
I’d recommend Desolation for PvE. When something isn’t active on my server it’s always the very first I guest to and I’ve never been disappointed. I doubt you can really pick a bad server though due to the ability to guest to other eu-servers, except for WvW ofcourse which you don’t care for.
Don’t completely count on the Mega-Servers yet, it won’t be until later this year (atleast that’s the estimated time) until there’re introduced on all the maps rather than just major cities and 1-15 zones.