need gold
Dungeon running is one way. Find casual ones to start with, the ‘all are welcome’ ones, not speed clears or ones that have gear/achievement point requirements.
The Silverwastes are actually pretty good. Lots of bags of gear, bandit chests to open.
Doing farming runs of nodes and selling what you gather isn’t too bad, but it can be time consuming.
Promoting lower level mats to higher level has been suggested by some.
Trading post flipping has also been suggested, but having enough gold to start is needed.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
Using excess laurels to buy T6 crafting bags will turn a quick profit. You can also sell t3/4/6 crafting mats in your bank for quite a bit of money.
i just reach lvl 80 and spend a lot of gold to get the lvl 80 gear. so does anyone know who to make gold
For future reference if gold is in short supply or you are new to the game you should use dungeon, WvW and/or temple vendors to equip your characters. You will save a lot of coin this way. Just remember you can’t salvage this gear (you can salvage some of the dungeon armor) so be wary of putting expensive sigil/runes into them.
Once you figure out how to make coin and know which build is right for you than you can drop a lot of gold on armor, weapons, sigils and runes.
i just reach lvl 80 and spend a lot of gold to get the lvl 80 gear. so does anyone know who to make gold
For future reference if gold is in short supply or you are new to the game you should use dungeon, WvW and/or temple vendors to equip your characters. You will save a lot of coin this way. Just remember you can’t salvage this gear (you can salvage some of the dungeon armor) so be wary of putting expensive sigil/runes into them.
Once you figure out how to make coin and know which build is right for you than you can drop a lot of gold on armor, weapons, sigils and runes.