new player question
If you don’t play at peak times that may be a problem but most events should be soleable. If the event says “[Group Event]” you will need at least two players. If you are having trouble with solo events, check your gear and make sure it is within 5 levels of you level. Learn which attacks to avoid, when mobs are about to do a powerful attack, there is typically a large flashy animation. Also, depending on your profession you may have a harder time earlier in the game.
It may depend on what time you play, the server, and if there are in-game events that draw players to a certain map. Even though some folks are losing interest in the game (some leaving the game altogether), there should be some around. Try asking in map chat if you need help.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Most group events are soloable actually…
Not ‘all’ though. XD
As a general guide, if it involves a melee champion it’s soloable, if it involves a ranged champion it’s much more difficult to solo.
Those that do not have the words ‘group event’ generally are much easier, though there are a few bugged events, like the one where like 20 ice elementals overlap in the Wayfarer Foothills at a door. That particular event is very difficult for non-AoE classes to do alone because hitting one aggros all of them, and 20 elementals’ autoattack can pretty much one hit some classes.
Check your gear. Squishier classes need to have armor within 5 levels and weapons within 10. Hardier classes can have both within 10 levels. Do not do overlevelled events with underlevelled gear – for instance, lvl 12 character, lvl 1 starter equipment, lvl 15 event unless you specifically want to make it harder for yourself. The max I’ve been able to level comfortably with was a 16 level gear disadvantage from lvl 20-36… any more than that and you’ll start dying too often to complete normal events.
And if your character level is less than 2 lower than the zone level (say, the event is in a lvl 15 sub area, you’re level 12), all of your non-crit attacks will be ‘glancing’ in that they only deal half normal damage, making it even harder than it should be.
[Shinigami, NEC, WvW Condinuke] [Rekka, ELE, Fracs] [Tora, PS WAR] [Kageoni, THI] [Hayako, ENG]
(edited by Hayashi.3416)
which areas? some are more popular than others. every level range has several areas for those levels. maybe try another area if one is deserted?
for level 12, Queensdale comes to mind as a very populous place. with metrica being 2nd. and Caledon 3rd.
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thanks for all the suggestion, and my starting area is the charr starting zone
Yeah, Charr area can be a bit underpopulated. It also has some pretty hard events compared to the human area.
Head to the Black Citadel, find the Lion’s Arch Asura Gate. You’ll pop out in a big city (explore it for easy exp) near the portals to all the other racial starting cities. Go through the gate guarded by Humans (or any, if you’re adventurous) and head out the south gate of Divinity’s Reach into Queensdale (it’ll be most populated, but maybe with annoying high levels champion training).
alright i will or sure look for it, thank you guys so much for help
alright i will or sure look for it, thank you guys so much for help
Hey man, I would be more than happy to show you the ropes in game!
I’m playing right now!
Why don’t you get online and let’s game?
You can add me on Skype.
Skype username: DreamyAbaddon