newbie questions about gaming

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: winterlove.6834


ok so iv only played this game and one other really and i was wondering what is the best or easiest way to quickly use different funtions.

by that i mean like do gamers buy mouse’s that have tons of buttons on the side or a seperate input keypad?

i use w,a,s,d but use mouse to click abilities and i think it makles me alot slowerer and using 1-9 on the numbers is a bit difficuly on a standered keyboard to use all while running and using w,a,s,d as well as the mouse to change dirrections.

i dont mind buying extra hardware to be the best so im wonderiung what do most people do

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I use a razor naga moba. This mouse has indeed 6 buttons under the thumb and it helps a lot. There are also with 9 buttons, but the skills 7,8 and 9 are lesser used and I like the layout (they are in a circles, making it easy to memorize where to bring your thumb while having your thumb in the middle when doing other things). The 6 buttons off course are used for the 5 weaponskills and the main healing skill.

The only downpart is that the mouse has a glowing razor logo udner the palm, this radiates some heat, I always have a lil bit off sweaty hands, and this makes it even worse. So far I havent found a way to put that glow off :P

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newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: Sobat.8650


Personally I use this set up with WASD movement
Weapon Skills: 1-5
Heal: 6
Utilities: Z-X-C
Elite: V

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: Danikat.8537


At least in this game everyone has their own way of doing it. Some people do buy special mice or gamepads or whatever, others make do with the standard keyboard and mouse but re-map the keys to a more comfortable set-up.

I definitely recommend using the keyboard rather than clicking to activate skills, because it is a lot quicker. But I also agree that with the standard set-up it’s hard to do. I recommend experimenting with different set-ups to find one you like, but as a start here’s a few I’ve often seen:

1) Re-map the attack skills to the number pad and put other useful commands around it.

2) Use 1-5 and shift (or ctrl) + 1-5

3) Use 1-5 and Q – T (you need to re-map WASD)

If you do want to look into buying a gaming mouse I strongly recommend trying them out (at least holding them) in store first rather than simply buying online. They’re not cheap (at least good ones aren’t) and you don’t want to waste money on a mouse you don’t actually like.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: winterlove.6834


hmm well so far i have used a G600 mmo mouse from logitech and found that i used only a few buttons and was not at all worth what i paid cause still had the problems. i wondered why the keypad on the right dosnt work guess i gotta set those thanks for the tip. only thing iv customized is the side mouse button for dodge.

now when you say 1-5 use as w,a,s,d well w,a,s,d is only 4 letters so wheres the 5?

also yea i might try some other mouse’s out also to though imma plan on getting into battlefield 4 not sure in battlefield if ya need alot of numbers or not thats why i asked as a general gaming questyion what do people find easiest cause until recently i wasnt a big gammer and dont know anyone really who plays anything other then xbox but i prefer the pc games.

also too dont get me wrong i love this game but i plan on palying oen as a backup so i dont get biurnt out am here in gw2 for the long haul. i have a 7850 radeon but plan to drasticly upgrade that as well

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: woofdang.6397


Hiya Winterlove. I’m totally with you. GW2 doesnt need one of those fancy keyboards and mice with all those buttons. It’s a much simpler game. What I did was buy a new gigabyte mouse called the M6980x and I love tilt scroll wheels that can be assigned and I basically just use the tilt scroll wheel for a couple actions and a normal keyboard. Granted a quick keyboard is needed for pvp but I’ve not tried it in GW2 yet but if anything like other online pvp games a quick keyboard helps a lot! I just got a cheap SIIG keyboard that has the funstion for up to 16 buttons to be pressed at once and with a quick reply.

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: Equinox.4968


I use the arrow keys and mouse to move, and I just set shortcuts to things that I know I’ll remember (plus I’ve had a lot of PC gaming experience so I tend to use things I’ve used in other games). For instance, since I use the arrow keys, I set autoattack (skill 1) to 0/insert on the number pad so I can hit it easily with my index finger on my left hand (I set skill 2 to 1/end, but I click on the rest of the skills with the cursor). I have a mouse with thumb and little finger buttons on either side of it: the thumb key is use/activate/loot and the other side is jump.

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: TinkTinkPOOF.9201


hmm well so far i have used a G600 mmo mouse from logitech and found that i used only a few buttons and was not at all worth what i paid cause still had the problems. i wondered why the keypad on the right dosnt work guess i gotta set those thanks for the tip. only thing iv customized is the side mouse button for dodge.

now when you say 1-5 use as w,a,s,d well w,a,s,d is only 4 letters so wheres the 5?

also yea i might try some other mouse’s out also to though imma plan on getting into battlefield 4 not sure in battlefield if ya need alot of numbers or not thats why i asked as a general gaming questyion what do people find easiest cause until recently i wasnt a big gammer and dont know anyone really who plays anything other then xbox but i prefer the pc games.

also too dont get me wrong i love this game but i plan on palying oen as a backup so i dont get biurnt out am here in gw2 for the long haul. i have a 7850 radeon but plan to drasticly upgrade that as well

If you bought the G600 (a great mouse) but never installed the software and set a profile for the game and set up key bindings, then all you have is a really expensive normal mouse. You HAVE to bind the keys, plugging in the mouse it will not know what you want those keys for, as the keys on the mouse are generic keys and can be made to do anything. They KB keys will still function, but the side keys on the mouse will also be bound to say, 1-5 or what have you, so when you push the button you want on the mouse it triggers the attack you would normally use the KB for, which allows you to use the WASD for movement, mouse or tab for targeting and mouse for actions (attack/heal/etc). This allows for allot better and faster game play, and really shines in WvW/PvP.

If you are using WASD for moving and 1-5 for attacking, that means you have to stop moving to attack or stop attacking to move, unless you have some VERY flexible fingers, I know I can’t do it well.

6700k@5GHz | 32GB RAM | 1TB 850 SSD | GTX980Ti | 27" 144Hz Gsync

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: winterlove.6834


well im fairly good but like you said i should find away so i can not have to stop or paause or whatever to attack, only key i can hit while running seems to be 1. yea i think when i had that mouse i installed sofgtware and all but not really sure what happened i bound the keys withen the game client but between some not workin out and some just not easily managble not sure why i didnt think it was a good mouse may try it again unless i can find another one that looks a better suit not really sure at this point

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: TinkTinkPOOF.9201


That is your problem, you don’t bind the keys in the game client, but in the mouse software, it will ask for a new profile, and you will select the GW2 .exe file, so when the game opens the mouse gets the bindings set for the game profile, you will then click on a picture of the mouse and its keys and change each key to what you want to it bind to in the game. Say you have a utility skill on 7 but want the G9 button (on the mouse) to activate it, you would click the G9 button and set it to 7, so every time G9 is pushed the game sees it as 7 being pushed.

I know many people who are good player…but could be far better with proper hardware set up and time to learn and get use to it. I had someone I played a FPS with, who I could toy with I was so much better than him, then I learned he was not using the really nice KB and mouse setup he had, and I set it up for him, needless to say, he hated it, so I set it up so he could not turn it off and forced him to learn it. Now…He can beat me at will while laughing, hardware and setup are a big part of maxing your ability, learn the mouse, take the time to set it up right and play with it for a good week without letting yourself change it back, it will take time, but once you learn the new setup you will start to notice how much more you are able to do.

6700k@5GHz | 32GB RAM | 1TB 850 SSD | GTX980Ti | 27" 144Hz Gsync

newbie questions about gaming

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: winterlove.6834


hmm ok, i tried that first but it did not work guess i did it wrong or somthin it was brand spanking new so maybe the mouse was screwy but thanks. one other question would that be one of the most prefered mouses? and too will it be a good mouse for fps games as well

newbie questions about gaming

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Posted by: TinkTinkPOOF.9201


Yes, it’s a great mouse for them, the other mouse other people like without spending allot more money would be the razer naga, the G600 is great and you almost always know where your fingers are, the Naga is “faster” in that the buttons tend to be faster to access, but harder to know what you are pushing. So if you never forget where your fingers are, the Naga is good also, but if you want to be sure what you are pushing, the G600 is better, however they are so close to each other it’s really nitpicking.

When setting up the software, remember you have to make a profile then select the GW2 .exe file, or the programing and binding will never trigger. Then you have to set the bindings to all the right buttons on the mouse, also, the mouse has onboard and computer based programing, as well as multi alt switching and a “G” mode, so if you do not have it set up right or change a mode without knowing, all the bindings will have changed. Read the manual for it, set it up right, I have this mouse and use it everyday, it’s great and works without a hitch.

6700k@5GHz | 32GB RAM | 1TB 850 SSD | GTX980Ti | 27" 144Hz Gsync