offhand sigil

offhand sigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SpedalFlux.1520



ive been testing in the mists and i put different sigils on mainhand and offhand, the mainhand works fine but offhand doesnt seem to work. is there any information on how offhand sigils work or which sigils work?

offhand sigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CelestialWyrm.8572


If you’re trying to use two sigils that have a stacking property (such as Bloodlust and Corruption) then you should know that only one of them will work at a time. Whichever stack you start with, you can only increase that stack, making the other sigil useless. All other sigil combinations should work normally. For example, I have a Sigil of Bloodlust on my main hand and a Sigil of Speed on the off-hand, and the stack works and I get a swiftness buff on kills.

Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

offhand sigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

1) If you have x2 Kill Stack sigils, then only the Main Hand slot will work. For your Off-Hand, you’ll need something with a static effect (like +% Damage or +% Duration) or a Crit Proc sigil.

2) If you have x2 Crit Proc sigils that are off different types, then only the Main Hand slot will work. For more information, see Response #1 above.

3) If you have x2 Crit Proc sigils of the exact same type, then it just increases you Proc Rate and doesn’t cause a 2nd individual proc to fire off seperately.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

offhand sigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asum.4960
