rune bonuses additive or multiplicative?

rune bonuses additive or multiplicative?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crinn.7864


What I mean, is on runes like the Rune of Durability (PvP) the 2pc bonus is +5% boon duration and the 6pc bonus is +15% boon duration. Does this come out as baseDuration*120% or is it (baseDuration*105%)*115% ?

Sanity is for the weak minded.

rune bonuses additive or multiplicative?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheWhitevulture.9382


The best way to find out how much it actually gives, is by opening your hero panel and checking your stats, just look at the boon duration stat at the right side. However, I can tell you that all percentage changes to stats and durations are always relevant to the base stat, so its simple changes, not compound. (As in, additive, as you put it.)



rune bonuses additive or multiplicative?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vox.9027


It’s additive. So in total you get +20% Boon Duration from Superior Runes of Durability.