sPvP help

sPvP help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kalriostraz.6819


Coming back with some friends after a long absence. Since I last played I’ve really gotten into PvP. Coming back though, and reading some of the things posted in the PvP forum have me realizing how little I know. I’ve tried watching a few steamers but none really talked much at all, much less talking about why they do something.

I’m wondering if there might be a more experienced player who would be up for being sort of a mentor as I learn things, or at least who would be willing to field noob questions. Or if there might perhaps be some YouTube videos out there that would be good to watch. I’m looking for real in depth info/explanations. Like, why is double capping bad, how many people should be killing Svanir/Chieftain, and when should I consider back capping. Sort of meta stuff. Skill will come in time I know, but this is stuff that I’m just not sure where a good resource might be to learn.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

sPvP help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


There are some good streamers on Twitch, some very open to questions.

http://www.twitch.tv/xerrex he likes to help, mostly does build demos and theorycrafting but you can ask anything.

Various streamers show weekly tournaments. http://www.twitch.tv/digitalprosports is showing one right now. Watching them helps understand high end play.

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

sPvP help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


Feel free to add me in-game for some advices or mentoring, but here’s some general notes:

1. 1 thief should always be stealing the enemy’s beast (Svanir)

2. No more than 2 players should ever be attacking the beast (Svanir)

3. Bunker builds should carry the orb. At least 1 player should be escorting the orb, the one with most CC (Hammer warriors, terrormancers) or the one with highest damage output (thieves, mesmers)

4. Far should always be left out, unless mid is swarmed with enemies you cant kill

5. No more than 1 person should ever be capping a point.

6. Nobody should ever be fighting off-point unless absolutely necessary

7. Ranged classes should do damage from the ledges and should avoid standing in the circle at all cost.

8. Have strong circulation around the map, and have 1 man on each of your capped points or very close to it at all times, able to contest.

9. Stomping isnt always better nor is it always faster than genuine killing.

This is the basics I could come up with lol, if you want more info or anything let me know, and add me in-game for a demonstration ^.^

Hope I helped!

Regards, oRx

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- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)