sending gold

sending gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Driveskull.9375


Hello i want to ask if i can send large quanities of gold to other acc ( my gf acc ) to help her ?
Another question , if i am doing a transaction over mail system and a person will not complete it is it bannable or not ?

sending gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FangedTerror.3852


For sending gold i have seen threads where players were supposedly banned but once support is contacted the accounts were reinstated. The rule of thumb is to write a precise subject and info in the body of the mail as to why the amount has been sent.

As for trading via mail le me poin you to a link to a thread that should highlight the risks and what if any punishment will be provided.

sending gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Third Of Five.8923

Third Of Five.8923

It seems gold is no issue for you in general, so…..
Why not simply make your own personal guild, buy some influence, build the guild bank, invite the gf to said guild, and deposit the gold.
This way there is NO chance of being mistaken for a gold selling spammer.

Just something to think about….


sending gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I’ve sent a friend from 1g to 25g as well as various crafting materials. Haven’t had any issue. I’ve never actually bothered to put a subject in the mails either.

sending gold

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

My friend once send me 10 gold – for quicker end of my crafting – and some time later I resended him that 10 gold.
nobody gets banned

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