separate pvp and pve

separate pvp and pve

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: renggus.5864


i know that this was answered a lot of times but just want to confirm if this reason/idea is what made me not play that much…i really want to get back into the game but theres something that holds me back from playing…if only i didnt buy the game and spend some gems i could just move on that easily(i know that was a dumb move for me buying the game even though its semi ftp,i really dont know why i gave in to my impulse in buying the game, i only played for 2 mnths and nver played again and cant get a refund already)
question is pve and pvp are really separate right? no point of using the same toon for pve to pvp?(lets just forget first about the character limit and lets just say i could create toons w/o limit) i mean theres nothing in pve that i could get/do for pvp?and no point of lvling a pvp toon?
if these are yes,then i really need to change my mindset to play the game again..

separate pvp and pve

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


All pvp gear is normalized.
All abilities and traits (if you have HoT) are unlocked.
The level of your character does not matter and your equipped items count as if they were lvl 80 exotic.
You can only unlock a small range of items with some gold.
If you want to build a char for PvP you might instead turn your attention to wvw.

separate pvp and pve

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: black sun empress.7401

black sun empress.7401

you can use the same toon for pve and pvp, the build and equipment/rune/sigils/amulet and traits are all seperate. (the little helmet icon top middle of screen when in the mists)

i think you need a toon to be lvl 22 to unlock the PVP icon at the top. then it is unlocked on all future toons. (but you can get there via portals in Lions arch without the button if you dont have a lvl 22+ toon).

while there is no point in leveling a pvp only toon, i have a few of them sitting at levels 2-10+. and i keep an empty character slot when i feel like rolling a funny name for awhile.. the only reason to level would be for looks since u cannot equip shoulders and gloves i think, at that low level.

been playing since start so i have tons and tons of the tomes of knowledge for leveling. ive leveled 6 toons using tomes, and still have enough to fully level 8 more. but i dont bother since its PVP…