server transfers, dont know if i am posting in the right place

server transfers, dont know if i am posting in the right place

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vincentvfx.1794


heya all,

so if i am posting in the wrong place hopefully a moderator will move it. how does server transfers work? does it transfer all yer toons at the same time? i had heard at one point it was free. is it still free? and if not, how much does it cost?

thanks for info, and hope i posted in the right place

server transfers, dont know if i am posting in the right place

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drevin.6534


Yes, all your toons must stay on the same server, so whenever you move, all go to the new server. Server transfer is currently still free, but you can only transfer once every 24 hours.

server transfers, dont know if i am posting in the right place

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Servertransfer transfers all your toons and is indeed a free service. It was intended to be a paid service, but it was also intended to have a guesting service (if you know someone on a different service, you can form a party, go to the same area, and then choose join in to play as a guest on your friends server (untill you zone where you are back at your home server and have to join in again). This guesting service has however been postponed. Although there is no official statement afaik, I would be dissapointed if they make server transfer a paid service before the guesting service is working. During the last Beta weekend the system was in place and server tranfer costed bout 500 gems to transfer to a low population server, 1,000 gems to transfer to a medium population server or 1,800 gems to transfer to a high population server. (100 gems cost currently 1,25 USD or 1,25 Euro).

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