should i play also guild wars 1?

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587



should i play guild wars 1 as well as guild wars 2?

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: clay.7849


It’s a great game that has pretty much run its course. If you find people to play with, it will still be fun, but not up to today’s graphics.

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Graphics is still okay. Trying to play both at the same time gets confusing because of the differences in the combat system.

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Only real reasons to play now is to see the way the land used to look (greatly changed now), the lore (so as to know the background information) or to get Hall of Monument items and titles. The two games otherwise are so different as to not be really comparable. You could give it a try, but would need to treat them as two separate games that you like to play at the same time.

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katz.5143


That depends. The two games are quite different. What you will see in common is the lore. And, if you want, you can get the heritage items that you earn in gw1 to use in gw2. Other than that they are completely different. There is no trading post to sell items. No nodes to harvest, no crafting professions. You should go into gw1 thinking that “this is a different game and I expect it to not be anything like gw2.”

I very much enjoyed GW1 myself.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: notebene.3190


I was thinking of trying it just so I could get a cat.

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I was thinking of trying it just so I could get a cat.

You can get one with 75 laurels.

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


Not that I want to play GW1, in fact I specifically chose not to in advance of GW2, but I will note the laurels cat has a costume on. The GW1 cat looks normal.

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: OnionXI.6735


I’d say it’s worth it. You’ll get so many hours out of just the campaigns. The world is massive and there’s tons of exploration to be had — so many zones the campaigns won’t take you through.

I doubt many people play it now but it’s possible to solo the campaigns and get 30 HoM points if you’re after them. If you do play however, I would strongly recommend starting with Nightfall for heroes and getting a good team build asap.

Even if you’re not going for HoM points the builds from this vid’s description are extremely useful if you need to get through the game solo.

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: notebene.3190


I was thinking of trying it just so I could get a cat.

You can get one with 75 laurels.

Really? Does it look like one of these or is it a weird looking cat? Has anyone seen these in the wild?

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: notebene.3190


Not that I want to play GW1, in fact I specifically chose not to in advance of GW2, but I will note the laurels cat has a costume on. The GW1 cat looks normal.

Oh…guess I should have kept reading. Thank you. I don’t really want a cat with a costume.

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Thew HoM rewards are rewards for people who played the original game and have shown dedication there. So if you want the cat you have two options.
a: Show that dedication now
b: Live with the fact that it is a reward you’ll never get

Personally I would say that if your only desire to play it is the cat then you shouldnt play it.

If you do however understand the amount of dedication shown to get those rewards go up over time. The cat is for 9 points. wich is reasonable easy, and can be achieved in bout 40-50 hours of playtime.

This would be the way to do it:
A: Buy the game ( you only need factions and Eye of the north, but best would be all campaigns and Eotn and make an account (3/9 points awarded)
B: Start a character in Factions. Make sure it is either a ranger for primairy profession or pick ranger as secondairy later on. You can level a character in factions to level 20 in 2 hours, but expect as being new to the game to spent bout 4-5 hours.
c: When level 20, go to Kaineng center, just outside you find MOX, talk to him to obtain him (only if you have all campaigns).
d: take MOX and henchman to get you to EoTN (you get a popup now where to find the quest).
e: once in the Hall of monuments (you have 4 hero’s now) use the first tapestry at the monument of fellowship and display MOX (4/9 points).
f: go to the great temple of balthasar and talk to the high priest to recieve tournament tokens. Use the tokens to buy Zaishen Keys and sell those. This money should be enough to buy yourself a tapestry, a normal miniature and a rare miniature (and if you have money left over a unique). Make sure they are undedidcated. Use the tapestry at the monument of Devotion and put them all on display (6/9 points)
g: Create a pvp-character (ranger) equip the skill comfort animal and go to the Zaishen menagery to release the level 20 wolf in the wild.
h: bring your pve-character there, talkto the guy in the pen to spawn a level 20 wolf and use the skill charm animal to charm it.
i: bring the wolf to the HoM and put it on display in the fellowship monument (7/9 points). All time you should have put in so far is 10 hours or so max, but it gets serious now.
j: Finish the factions campaign and put the reward statue on display (9/9), this takes bout 20 more hours of gameplay.
If you missed points (not enough miniature and no Mox) you can get more points buy getting the black moa pet and putting it on display (1 point) and if still in need of more getting elite armor for your hero (you can buy the item needed for that from another player, this might need some farming or do it in in the first hero challenge in nightfall wich requires bout 5 hours of getting there and getting the item). This will be the 5th statue in fellowship and rewards another 2 points.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!