so anything new / better with this game ?

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FalconX.9287


I quit about a week or two after purchasing the game not even lvled my char to max cos i didnt like the lack of depth in questing and lvling in this game which was boring to me (tho i liked the personal story and the events) .
and also havent found a reason to do instances
Thanks for the info

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nehezbegar.1065


This game didn’t “click” for a lot of ppl in the first week or two, but some of them returned after some time and magically IT CLICKED, and they like the game.

Firstly You have to reset Your mindset from typical MMO player focused on gathering stronger and stronger gear, but set Your mind just to have fun from doing those dungeons and stuff in the game. You reward will be the awesome armor skin etc. This game have so much activities and dungeons are only small part of it. Also You have to turn into an explorer type of guy. That’s how this game works, You just wandering around and explore and game just throws the content at Your face and You can participate or not, it’s Your decision

I recommend You to give it a try now, if it don’t click, try it later. Trying doesn’t cost anything, and maybe You will CLICK with this game

(edited by nehezbegar.1065)

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FalconX.9287


ok thanks but you haven’t answered my question
last time i played was in January i think and havent been uptodate with any changes or patches if any

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nehezbegar.1065


Check this, there are all stuff they added since January (just click february etc, there are full patchnotes and overview what is in those updates)

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


So you didn’t experience a majority of what the game has to offer and you passed judgement on it. Wouldn’t the events (which you liked) be part of the leveling (which you didn’t like)?

I’m confused because it seems like the only thing that could change to make the game seem “better” to you would be a complete overhaul of the core mechanics from start to finish.

Did you try WvW or PvP or dungeons? What were your thoughts on them?

Patch notes are available on the forums so you can see what has changed. Obviously, skill tweaks, but also monthly events and a couple new areas. Nothing that changed the core game though.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kokiman.2364


Whats the deal with people quitting the game coming back and asking other people for changes ? Is it that hard to check they update

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vol.5241


Sorry dude but if you quit within a week and didn’t like the experience then you’ll most likely not enjoy it. Nothing fundamentally has changed – there really isn’t anything groundbreaking you can do in an MMO.

All they have done is polished up the game and added more activities and events to do. For people who have enjoyed the game for launch, they have made great additions and from what I read it’s still popular.

But if you’re not a fan of ‘questing’, leveling, instances and I assume any sort of PvP/WvW, then you probably aren’t fit for GW2, let alone any MMO.

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so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


Whats the deal with people quitting the game coming back and asking other people for changes ? Is it that hard to check they update

I don’t understand it, either. The only person who can convince a person whether or not they like the game is themselves.

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Whats the deal with people quitting the game coming back and asking other people for changes ? Is it that hard to check they update

Shouldn’t be. It took me a minute at most to find everything World of Warcraft has changed or added in the last few months and I don’t even play that game. And I just checked and the exact same process works with GW2. (Hint, it includes your internet browser, a well known website beginning with G and the phrase “Guild Wars 2 Updates”.)

But other than that the game doesn’t have a subscription. You can come and go freely with no risk and no commitment. If you find yourself thinking you might want to give it another go all you need to do is load it up, wait for the updates, and try. If you don’t like it you can stop whenever and all you’ve lost is a little bit of time.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vol.5241


Whats the deal with people quitting the game coming back and asking other people for changes ? Is it that hard to check they update

I don’t understand it, either. The only person who can convince a person whether or not they like the game is themselves.

Well some games are just plain boring and you don’t feel compelled to play through them.

I have purchased numerous games through the Steam sale but I just haven’t got to the point of advancing on them since they start off so boring.

the STALKER series is one example, I played for like 5 minutes and immediately disliked it. Same with Fallout3.

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so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FalconX.9287


well i was hoping for a quick yes or no maybe with examples kind of thing .
i didn’t like the fact side quests had no depth it seemed they were there just to give u xp and thats it no story no nothing . and it was tedious to lvl until i reached the required lvl to do personal story quests. (i didnt have this issue in wow) wvw i liked it a bit but im more of a pve guy
i did a few dungeos but not sure what are the rewards for doing it or why do people them ? is it items ? better then what u can buy or ?

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BuzzardB.1804


Whats the deal with people quitting the game coming back and asking other people for changes ? Is it that hard to check they update

I don’t understand it, either. The only person who can convince a person whether or not they like the game is themselves.

True, but sometimes games have pretty huge mechanical, graphical or content overhauls that may convince a player a games worth coming back too.

AION, WoW and FFXIV are good examples of games that have changed a lot since their inception that could bring back players who disliked them at first.

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It was pretty impossible to give a yes or no answer to your question.

For one thing we had no idea how long you’d been gone. If you bought it at launch and quit 2 weeks later then a huge amount has changed. If it was a week ago then not really much.

And unless you happen to have close friends on the forum we can’t possibly tell you whether you’ll like the changes because we don’t know what you like.

As for there being no story to the dynamic events there is actually a lot there. It’s just not presented as clearly as in other games. You’ll never get an NPC with a big green arrow over their head who will present you with a block of text explaining the whole history of a quest and an accept button. Instead you need to listen to conversations between NPCs, speak to named NPCs even if there is no obvious reason to do so, especially speak to heart quest NPCs before (and after) you complete the heart.

It takes a bit of adjustment at first but once you get used to it you’ll find there’s a lot of depth there. A good introduction is the “bunny” event chain in Wayfarer Foothills. Go to the heart by Hangrammr climb. Watch the dialogue between Bjarni and Linnea (if she’s not there just wait and she’ll show up). Collect the fur samples she’ll want, watch the other dialogue and follow her as she completes her quest and on the way back. That will give you a good idea of what you can get out of event chains when you get used to looking for it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

i did a few dungeos but not sure what are the rewards for doing it or why do people them ? is it items ? better then what u can buy or ?

The big reward for grinding dungeons is that each has its own set of level 80 armor and weapons you can’t get anywhere else in the game. However you need to understand that as far as stats go a level 80 exotic is a level 80 exotic. You might find some with a different set of stats (such as one focused on power, vitally, and toughness, while another is focused on precision, condition damage, and critical damage), but they are all balanced to be no better than the other exotic sets.

There are around a half dozen ways to get full exotic gear at max level, be it running dungeons, crafting, karma venders, or just lucky drops, and the only real difference is that each method has sets that look different. Prestige items in this game are simply not stat based, even the coveted Legendary Weapons are just exotics with special skins.

So ultimately once you hit endgame this isn’t a stat game, but rather it is a skin game. You won’t be showing off how awesome you are with better items, just better looking items. And you won’t be completely stomping over anything unless your own skill allows it; there is no gear advantage to be found once you’re at the end.

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vol.5241


well i was hoping for a quick yes or no maybe with examples kind of thing .
i didn’t like the fact side quests had no depth it seemed they were there just to give u xp and thats it no story no nothing . and it was tedious to lvl until i reached the required lvl to do personal story quests. (i didnt have this issue in wow) wvw i liked it a bit but im more of a pve guy
i did a few dungeos but not sure what are the rewards for doing it or why do people them ? is it items ? better then what u can buy or ?

I agree about the story thing. I remember how they said that if you had a quest, it would be linked to another areas of the map and you could see your actions make a difference elsewhere. And while there are cases where this is true, it’s not inherently obvious and sometimes it takes awhile to see the repercussions.

There really is no reward for dungeons other than it serving as another way to get gear. You could spend all you time doing open world stuff or WvW and not do a dungeon, and still end up with max gear. Of course, there are skins that you can only get from dungeons, but they are just skins – novelty.

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so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mimir.4690


It was pretty impossible to give a yes or no answer to your question.


I completely agree with Danikat. For starters, the game is free to play so there really is no harm in just going back and giving it a try again. You may lose 30-60 minutes of your life, but at least then you can know for sure rather than speculate and wonder.

Otherwise, I actually love the in-game events, especially chain ones. The bunny example is a great one (in the Norn starting area). Listening to the NPC conversations and dialogue gives a lot of depth to them. If you allow yourself to get into it and not just do the motions, you may enjoy them more.

You didn’t specify what it was about instances or leveling you didn’t like, so it’s hard to say what’s changed.

so anything new / better with this game ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


Whats the deal with people quitting the game coming back and asking other people for changes ? Is it that hard to check they update

I don’t understand it, either. The only person who can convince a person whether or not they like the game is themselves.

True, but sometimes games have pretty huge mechanical, graphical or content overhauls that may convince a player a games worth coming back too.

AION, WoW and FFXIV are good examples of games that have changed a lot since their inception that could bring back players who disliked them at first.

But it costs absolutely nothing in this game to just log in and see for yourself.