so here's the thing
Two options. Option one, wonder and wait for events.
Option two. Go to another starter area and do those quests. This is what I did. By the time your done you can head to the next area and then ping pong like this back and forth all the way to 80. As a bonus you make a lot more coin and get more rewards.
ok but since im new to all of this i dont really know where the other races start how can i find out?
Try to participate in events when they occur, gather crafting materials by mining ore, cutting down trees and harvesting plants. You could go explore the city of your race and get all points of interest, waypoint and vista. Exploring an entire map gives you a nice boost next to the xp you get for completing every little task in itself. With gathered materials in the world you can try crafting. It also gives xp.
If for some odd reason doing all that doesnt give you enough xp (it really should) you can always try to go to other areas that are of your lvl. In your homecity there’s an Asura Gate that goes to Lions Arch. In that city there are gates to every major city and thus can get easily to all start areas.
alrighty sounds fair, ill try to do that
Sorry Xanthus, good point.
Bring up your hero menu then head to the mists. from there you can head to the Lions arch portal (close by from where you teleport in). Once in lions arch open the map and you’ll see two sets of portals, some to the south near where your at (pvp portals). Then another set to the north. Head to the ones at the north. From there you can head to any starter area.
When you reach those portals you’ll notice NPC’s standing by them. At a quick glace to get back to your starter area just head in to the one of the same race as you. EX. 2 humans standing next to portal is human starting area.
Hope that helps!
Definitly thanks
At the very low levels, I wound up grinding a tiny bit to get all my weapon/spells up to date, so I could flip between any of them and have them all readily accessible.
I killed a bunch of feathered Moas (poor birdies!), with dagger, scepter, staff, etc … until I knew all my spells for the various weapons.
If you open up your hero tab and go to skills you’ll see all your spells and which weapons proc which spells …
This, of course, was my personal choice, lol there’s a bit of OCD in me that didn’t want to progress fighting without having all my spellsets unlocked. And by the time I was done getting them all, I had gained some levels and managed to be equal to the content in the area …
Best thing to do is simply wander around the map aimlessly. When things happen around you, join in. If you see somebody dead, res him. If you see stuff to gather, gather it.
The key is don’t force yourself through the story…simply play the game and enjoy the scenery. You’ll out-level your story in no time.