the class for me

the class for me

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sdt.1697


I’m going to use the form I’m use to choose my world of warcraft to diced what class to use for this


•Do you want to have a permanent pet? Is a temporary one okay with you? Or does it not matter if you have a pet?
I do like pet I just don’t what my pet to be strong then me for play can just kill me and my pet will be gone to

•Are you partial to cloth wearers or do you want a little more bulk in your armor?
I like armor for it is the best thing to help you survive

•What have you played in other games before? Maybe you played a caster in another game and liked it, or have a fondness for barbarians/warriors. WoW might have a rough equivalent for you! i have played smith and i same to be good with warrior type gods and in guild wars 2 my fav was the Engineer

•Do you want to be able to heal yourself and others, or are you okay with lacking those spells? i would like to heal myself so others healer can focus on others

•Which is your preference: attacking enemies from a distance or being up in their faces?
both are good for me

•Are you the sneaky type or do you take pleasure ripping out internal organs as a greeting right off the bat?
I choses the ripping out the organs for I get never when trying to be sneaky

•Do you want to be on the front lines with a shield or watching over your group to keep them safe?
i some way in the middle helping any way I can

•Will you be leveling with a friend or mostly on your own? If you’re doing it with a friend, what are they planning to level, or have they not decided yet?
i like to play alone

•Have you read about classes at all yet? If so, what stands out as interesting to you? Have you tried any classes already?
I’m just going to let you give you point of yours

•Are you interested in the lore or story of Warcraft? Some classes have a lot of easily-absorbed lore while others are a little “less detailed” in their history.
the horde lore for there are not evil anymore the just try to make to own life now will by thrills point of viwe

•Interested in roleplaying at all? This goes with the previous question, but some races/classes are easier to roleplay as a newbie than others (with lots of history to adhere to). no, can’t spell

•Do any of the races stick out to you as being attractive? Not every race can be every class, so if you have an early favorite (or if you really dislike one in particular) this can narrow things down.
the Orcs: for the great warchif thrill
the Taurens: the most peaceful race in the horde
the Trolls: love there life style
the Goblins: love this funny little guys
the Worgens: most kitten looking race
the Draeneis: most interning race
the Dwarfs: love this dunking guys
the Pandarens: kungkittenpanda fan


•What have you played before?
i have played a lot of class

•How far did you level it?
on hunter i got to level 80

•Describe what you liked and disliked about those classes. Be detailed!
i don’t know it just i get bored after a will with each class

•With a friend or alone? What’s your friend going to be leveling?
i like to be alone

•Are you leveling via PvE or PvP? Chain-running dungeons?
i like the dungeons for stoys but i feel that pvp is the only way to show you a good player

•Will you be doing primarily raids/dungeons at level cap (PvE) or knocking the opposing
faction in the balls over a flag (PvP)?
same answer above this questioned

•Will you be multiboxing or just playing a single character?
I just forces on one

•Race preference? Either for looks or the actual racials (or lore!).
answer on the top

•Heals/tank/DPS? What’s your style for DPS – melee or ranged?
my DPS is for both melee and ranged all flexible

•Any favorite game mechanics? (DoTs, HoTs, stealth, mana, etc)
mana there just a lot of it

•Hybrid or pure? Does it matter?
hybrid for you can do many things

•Pet or temporary pet or none at all? Does it matter?
answer at the top of page

•Throw in any extra details here:
cant think of any details