Is it just me or Thieves need a rework yet again?
the term “deadly in one on one combat” i fail to see when roaming anymore…
sure ya might get lucky, but i see the warriors traits being messed with like a giraffe playing Twister…wheres our chance to get a rework instead of being the “DPS in dungeons” or the “stealth revivers”…
i honestly feel…misused… and worthless…
seeing all the “zerk warriors lf mesmer to go” just makes me sick but im not making a warrior to be a sheep. i made the thief under the impression i could be a master duelist, roam freely with a pretty good chance to get away if needed, to infiltrate and take something out like siege…well now i feel that im only good to get a last hit in from stealth which makes it not really contributing to team play…