warrior shout build
I’m no warrior expert but at a look I’d say you went a bit overboard on the condi cleansing if it’s going to be a PvE-mainly character. For open world or other solo content you wouldn’t encounter that many conditions a simple Shake It Off and 3-5 seconds of waiting wouldn’t clear, and for party content like dungeons you’d likely have people in the party with utilities that’d do the job more efficiently (like, say, a guardian with Cleansing Fire or a staff ele’s water 5).
I’d say try dropping three trait points you currently have in Defense (which will lose you Cleansing Ire, but like I said I think you have more condi removal than you really need right now) and put them somewhere else, Strength would be a good pick so you can get trait XI (Berserker’s Power) for the extra damage in sustained fights on top of the additional power from the trait line itself. (And if you DO want the condi removal just in case, put trait II in the Strength line for condi removal on heal).
That’ll lose you some toughness and healing, but you’ll still have your heals and vitality which should help cushion that. If you really, really feel the need to, offset it with 1-2 Cleric (or Zealot’s, possibly?) pieces at maximum, but I suspect that wouldn’t be required; warriors are pretty durable even when full glass, so your Knight’s set should do the trick.
(obligatory ‘this is 100% not meta’ disclaimer, I mostly run zerk these days but I have fond memories of playing my engie full condi/heal/toughness and having a blast so if that’s what you find fun & do with like-minded people I say go for it)
I appreciate the help and input
Do you think something like this might work then (with knights armor still):
with only 10 in defense i felt it may just be better to throw it in arms. My shouts still give 1,573 healing. Which isn’t horrible but not the best. I’m sure if I throw some clerics trinkets in there it’ll boost the heals a bit.
This is better tbh, more precision is (almost) always good, I just didn’t want to completely destroy your Defense traiting from the start in case you were attached to it :P
For the heals, do remember that you have 3 shouts to use (plus your own healing skill) – so it might be that quantity will cover up for faults in quality, and you might not really need the extra Cleric gear at all.
On that note, it seems like your gw2skill setup is set on PvP? It might be worthwhile to switch it to PvE mode (you can toggle that on the top right corner) so you can input individual armor & trinket pieces/stats and get a better look at how your gear will have you in PvE.
Well the extra heals are more for people in my party or around me (say for dungeons and/or fracts)
Shweet! – never even noticed that, thanks!
Yeah I figured, but I think what I said still applies – keeping in mind the others will also have their own heal skills and their buffs to the party, you’ll probably find that things work better if you see yourself as a support “have a quick heal or two to last until your cooldown is over” kind of role rather than a ‘proper’ healer.
Up to you of course, but in my experience running group content on engie (that has a nice burst heal in the form of healing turret + blast) that’s usually what happens – I’ll see one of the squishies low on health, get close, quickly pop the area heal to get them to safer health levels and then go back to punching the bad guy in the face while they use the margin I just gave them to pull to safety/heal/etc and that’s enough to keep everyone mostly alive while keeping good damage.