warriors are broken in pvp
I’m not too sure you’re doing it right, then. I have absolutely no trouble on my warrior. I can kill almost any other class within seconds if I use a Greatsword. Try reworking your build and strategy a bit.
I’m running with a 30/30/0/0/10 build. The damage output is just about on the level of “insane”. From what I can tell, Warrior wasn’t meant to hang in there for long battles. Seems like we were more meant to fly into battle, blow off huge amounts of damage, score a kill, and run away.
There is way to much mentality that Warriors are tanks.
I think the above poster has a good point. His build sounds like rush in do damage get out. My warrior path is more group support. I wouldn’t even near try what he is doing. Choose your traits based on the experience you want to play, but most of all don’t assume that the warrior is designed to stand still and take all the incoming damage. There just is no healer good enough to back him up for such endouver.
There is way to much mentality that Warriors are tanks.
I think the above poster has a good point. His build sounds like rush in do damage get out. My warrior path is more group support. I wouldn’t even near try what he is doing. Choose your traits based on the experience you want to play, but most of all don’t assume that the warrior is designed to stand still and take all the incoming damage. There just is no healer good enough to back him up for such endouver.
That’s a good point. Just because my build works for me, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to work for you or anyone else.
I love charging in and doing over 15k damage with one Hundred Blades. Watching another player’s health dwindle down to nothing in a few seconds is just great. The person above me prefers more of a group support build. It really comes down to perspective, use what abilities YOU think are going to work best for your playstyle.
Taugrim captain hammer. Broken on the OP side of the scale
100 blades is a gimmicky skill that isn’t really much fun to use.
Competent opponents will have a stun break if they fail to dodge your charge, so you’re really only able to kill people whose stun breaks are on cooldown. That’s kind of boring.
When I first started playing I made a warrior, you can make a build that is pretty much a 1-shot and it’s really no fun at all, so then I rolled a thief.
Play around with it, read the things and you’ll find it – i’m sure it’ll be leaked soon anyways and patched. Could be something like…. charging in and to stun… and popping things.
You might be playing the wrong class/build if you think warriors are useless. They are extremely versatile in many roles.
I haven’t gotten too far on my warrior but I’ve been contemplating rerolling a thief. I play an Assassin on Aion and I was wondering if it might be the same idea.
Lol obvious troll is obvious. Good try OP, but Warriors are in fact the most OP class there is. Anyone who says anything else I would love to face you on my warrior and then see what you think after that.
And to all of you "You can avoid 100B easy". I’d like to see you try when I have 3 CC as my utilities and holding you in place is easier than pressing tab to target you.
Troll? Everyone knows that warriors are the worst class in the game by far.
And to all of you “You can avoid 100B easy”. I’d like to see you try when I have 3 CC as my utilities and holding you in place is easier than pressing tab to target you.
Frost Trap, Knockback, Spike Trap, Entangle, Frost Axe, troll-olololol
longbow/rifle combo can be great in WvW. rifle does alot of single target damage, longbow is for AoE. you might need the increased bow range, and rifle piercing traits for it to work well.
good thing is you can stay on range and pretty much wreak havoc if you got decent gear for your level.
And to all of you “You can avoid 100B easy”. I’d like to see you try when I have 3 CC as my utilities and holding you in place is easier than pressing tab to target you.
I heard this game is all about 1 vs 1 and filling one’s utility slots with CCs to land a 100B. Now I’ll give you a taste of your own medicine : my 3 utility slots are stunbreakers. What does your super OP warrior do now?
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
everything I have heard and seen warriors are probably the BEST proffession in the game due to the sheer variety of things they can do.
A well built mesmer runs one of about 3 things.
A well built warrior does one of like 8 things.
The key to remember though is that skill is the most important factor. I met one guardian who wrecked my face unless I caught him with his pants down. I’ve met 3/4 who annoyed me. I’ve met about 50 that were complete none issues. This was entirely down to skill, build and knowledge of the game and had nothing to do with guardians being “crap” or “op”.
(edited by Malakree.5912)
And to all of you “You can avoid 100B easy”. I’d like to see you try when I have 3 CC as my utilities and holding you in place is easier than pressing tab to target you.
I heard this game is all about 1 vs 1 and filling one’s utility slots with CCs to land a 100B.
Now I’ll give you a taste of your own medicine : my 3 utility slots are stunbreakers. What does your super OP warrior do now?
Tries to whirlwind you as you cave his face in.
I think if nothing else, this thread shows that warriors have upsides and downsides, and since sPvP is 5v5 or 8v8, not 1v1, they have interesting options and counterplay in games.
Generally when a warrior tries to HB me I either drop blurred fury, drop my 4th shatter or use phase retreat on my staff. In 9valor levels I’ve been killed by it once and I had 4other ppl sat on me dropping CC.
I think warrior is one of the few really balanced classes right now. They can spec for high dps, or high survivability.That high dps comes at the cost of mobility and is hard to land (HB, etc). Pretty much Warrior is the most balanced class at the moment imo.
If you’ll do a little research on them they have a build that is very OP and only heavy armor will usually survive the burst. Lights drop in seconds.
I thought this was a “Warriors are OP” topic….
Just to put my opinion on this, i dont think warriors are really broken at all or OP for that matter. xD I’ve experimented with alot of different weapons on my warrior, found most weapons viable depending on build.
If anything i’d encourage all those greatsword weilding warriors in pvp to try out few other weapons, you might be suprised. :p
Warrior in PvP are incapable to deliver, like the OP has said: Warrior PVP behavior seems broken, in fact i feel like the experience is going through the opposite direction of the open world PvE.
They’re missing both’s utility and psychical skill for either, group or vs player enviroment. All u can do is become a sort of red cross nurse without the proper tool.
I suppose that it was first intended to have an third utility bar for free use of banner, like the ranger pet. Dunno why that concept didn’t make out of alpha and thus leaving an half broken class usable only in open world PVE.
Lol obvious troll is obvious. Good try OP, but Warriors are in fact the most OP class there is. Anyone who says anything else I would love to face you on my warrior and then see what you think after that.
And to all of you “You can avoid 100B easy”. I’d like to see you try when I have 3 CC as my utilities and holding you in place is easier than pressing tab to target you.
Would you like some tissue paper to dry those tears?
I’ve had a lot of success with a few builds with a warrior. I find it helps to watch for some good pvp warrior builds on youtube. That’s where I learned about the rifle burst and rifle condition builds. That both work nicely.
Troll? Everyone knows that warriors are the worst class in the game by far.
Well, you do raise some pretty strong arguments.
Troll? Everyone knows that warriors are the worst class in the game by far.
That’s why there’s at least two in every sPvP or tPvP match, right
Warriors and Thieves are kind of OP right now. They can both be specced multiple ways to CC then drop someone in seconds. I am going to conclude that OP is just trolling.
For all melee warriors: Balanced Stance
Makes you unkiteable for 8 seconds.
Arcing Slice > Balanced Stance / Bull’s Charge (at the same time) > Hundred Blades.
See 8k damage popping on your opponent if you’re not a glass cannon (Think of it as a League of Legend’s bruiser. That’s my build, I use a 30/0/30/10/0 build, which gives me power/toughness and makes me pretty well balanced. I can dish punishment and take it all as well, making me versatile overall)
See 12k+ damage popping on your opponent if you built pure damage.
I advise you to NEVER. EVER build something that is pure glass cannon. You’ll NEVER succeed, because you’ll get CC’d and ganked. Not even mages have this excuse in this game.
I suggest taking Healing Surge (6), Balanced Stance (7), Bull’s Charge (8), Signet of Stamina (9) and Signet of Rage (10) as your utility skills.
Signet of Stamina is invaluable. Cooldown isn’t too high, recharges your endurance faster (allows you to dodge more and survive more) and it’s active heals ALL CONDITIONS on you. Repeat. ALL CONDITIONS.
You can swap Signet of Rage for Banner of War if you want the ability to res downed allies and support your group in a teamfight overall. Works well too.
Warriors are the best “Force Multiplier” class in game.
Longbow 3 pt Adrenaline skill is one of the most powerful AoEs in the game. Not just for the damage, but for how long allies can use it to combo off of. Combined with an immediate follow-up of Explosive shot results in a significantly weakened enemy position, and you just gave every nearby ally multiple stacks of Might.
Banner “Spec” can make an unlimited amount of people roughly twice as powerful as their opponents while they hold position, as well as providing every buff simultaneously except Quickness and Aegis.
Greatsword ‘whirlwind’ and ‘sword toss’ skills have no target limit, allowing for large scale “hit & run & cripple” tactics.
Warriors are designed to be battlefield commanders. While Guardians determine where a battle is fought, we determine how it is fought.
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server
Unless u run a mace build that does 0 damage but has some surbibility warriors are by far the worst class atm
WHAAAT!!! Come oooon! That is totally not true. I play a warrior and kitten enjoy it in every aspect of the game. I use rifle and axe/shield in sPvP, rifle and axe/warhorn in PvE and WvWvW. Have power,toughness,vitality gear and defensive traits (10/0/30/30/0). Using superior rune of the soldier my shouts (beside their base effect) heals about 1k and cancel conditions. I don’t crit, that is true, but still hit quite good (with rifle I have 3k attack power)
It is very effective, very good, even I have no problem with these famous thieves many whines about them.
So, you are doing something wrong, warrior is a very good class if you build/use it well.
I tryd evry build there is and if you think warrior supposed to get in and kill someone and run away like wtf is that you’re definition of a warrior.?
Im sorry but warrior are by far the wurst class out there if you mis 1 or 2 skils you’re basicly screwd. and evry class got like 2/3 imune or watever blinks stealth
i mean like even engineer’s got stealth
ranger got stealth
thief ofc got stealth there kinda broken right now.
mesmer got stealth.
guardians are just op hybrid classes
hey even ele’s are thougher then warriors
my only trouble really is with the conditions they do so mutch dmg.
that condition builds dont even have to kite people
I mean like
21k on bleeds?
18k on burning?
14k on poison?
i tryd anti condition’s with Melandru runes but by the time you’re dispel/condition removal skill is used they got a stack of 25 on you again and removal is on cooldown for 40 sec.
So by far warrior are the wurst pvp classes right now (SPVP)
WvW is difrent that’s just based on gear. ofc anyone can own in wvw.
most people you fight dont even have lvl 80 gear or fractal items.
So my sugestion to warrior give them more base thoughness instead of health.
or give there skils a propper cooldown.!
And just this warrior’s are not supposed to be ranged i hate this concept they made if i wanna be ranged il make a gdm ranger
screw this longbow/shout blablabal rifle crap
Im a warrior and should act like one not a combo between a ranger and a engineer
kitten of!
(edited by Shaolin.7981)
Troll? Everyone knows that warriors are the worst class in the game by far.
I tryd evry build there is and if you think warrior supposed to get in and kill someone and run away like wtf is that you’re definition of a warrior.?
All you do is complain and moan with every thread/post you make.You already told people you would stop playing since everything sucks in your opinion.You also have been banned for 3 days for acting immature.Now you dig up an 7 month old thread for what purpose exactly.. ? Just move on…