what build is best for a warrior

what build is best for a warrior

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: WinnieTabz.8034


what build is best for a warrior as in the attributes, what should i focus on more??

WinnieTabz – Jade Quarry – Warrior

what build is best for a warrior

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TrollinForNoobs.6831


Honestly, build it to suit your play style. its a pretty versatile class

what build is best for a warrior

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: milkrun.2915


Whatever train line achieves what you want most from your weapons and utility abilities

Your choice!

what build is best for a warrior

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: WinnieTabz.8034


im looking to be great in DEF and POWER, any recommendations??

WinnieTabz – Jade Quarry – Warrior

what build is best for a warrior

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Hmm how about….adding points to Power and def then..

what build is best for a warrior

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Haluwasa.2957


depends on what you like… you said def and power, DO IT!

also depends on whether you are doing pvp or pve. I did sPvP and built a healing tank, it’s the funniest thing fighting 1v3 and just not dying! ;D

what build is best for a warrior

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Recently.1043


Really depends on what your planning to do.

If your gonna do alot of dungeons, going deep into Vit helps alot (you get some healing stuff, some bonuses to rezing others (which you will be doing ALOT of in dungeons) And of course defense helps alot there too.

If your doing pvp, your gonna want to go more offensive, and try to burst people down, so power/crit etc. Also you want to go in the trees for the weapons you plan to use as well.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….