why few people use food or potion buffs?

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Batdogi.7142



Greetings. Is there a logical reason why Whenever I explore either alone or in groups or as part of a zerg 80-90% of the people don’t have any food or potion buff up?

The stuff costs pennies on the trader, literally. Even folks who are not max level never seem to use either buff despite the XP bonuses.

I’ve taken to dropping 3 or 4 trays of various flavors when taking part in Dragon events or big regional chains (e.g. Ulgoth Modnir boss). Even then only about half the people bother to take free food.

“Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish.”
? Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kintoun Zetto.2651

Kintoun Zetto.2651


1) buff is so short 20 minutes or 30 minutes is short.
2) there is not possible to put drink/food in tool bar and use it easily, open my bags search for food it is tedious. I’m usualy all time swarmed by mobs and I have no time to watch if my food/drink buff runs out.
3) there is not to much attentuion in small icons to notice that buff run out. May be there is so many small icons to watch conditions, boons and buffs are all mixed together. I can call it that GW2 for today’s MMO has ugly bad not modable UI, thats it

1) Short? Seriously? 30 minutes? Are you nuts? Find a game with buffs that powerful that last more than half an hour. You can’t. Other mmo buffs last a few seconds or maybe a couple minutes, tops.

2) Get an invisible bag, stick your food in the first slot, add your “carry at all times” items in it, stick it in your bottom slot. As to the second bit, “lrn2playnub” is the only advice I can really give ya.

3) Are you seriously implying GW2s sleek UI with only a few buttons and not 10,000,000 icons everywhere is ugly? What planet are we on right now? HEllllloooooo anyone home?

Get ship together for Snaff’s sake you crying ninnies. If you’re not using food, realize that you’re just plain doing it wrong.

I find most of the time I don’t need it. Yes it’s an improvement but if I’m doing ok already why waste the time, effort and money to get a slight buff?

I usually do have at least one food/tech item in my inventory, just because I’ve gotten them free from something or other, but unless I’m doing something difficult where I think the buff would be helpful I don’t bother.

What? Waste time, effort and money? Three words, Raspberry Peach Bars. ~1 silver, +30% gold find, +30% magic find, some sort of exp bonus, etc. It saves you time and effort in huge quanities and makes you way, way, way, way, more money (I make 7-8 gold a day with them vs 2-4 gold a day without). If you’re not using magic find, you’re simply not finding the exotics and other items that get you the big bucks and the gold find ain’t no joke in dungeons.

Sorry guys, if you’re not using food, you’re bein’ a noob.

Stop that. Seriously.

Just stop it.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alk Trio Fan.6357

Alk Trio Fan.6357

There’s no logical reason to it, I think it’s just a case people aren’t aware of the bonuses it can provide.

That said, during the PvE I don’t tend to bother unless I’m in a dungeon, there’s nothing in the world that really requires any stat boost. I do use it during WvW though, nice to have a boost to the vitality for the bit of extra staying power!

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

There’s no quick toolbar for things like that on the interface, I have to find it in my inventory and go from there.

Most players should be aware of them, you’re introduced to them at random points in the game, it’s just bothersome to find what you’re looking for on the TP or crafting, then find it in your inventory when you want to use it or when it runs out (there’s no auto-eat when it runs out either).

GW2 has very little in the way of quality of life standards that other MMO’s have had for nearly a decade. I mean it takes community uproar just to get a simple adjustment to the crafting interface to make it less tedious to do simple things.

Maybe in a few years we’ll have some of the QoL stuff that should be there anyway.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


It really serves no real purpose because the small buffs they give aren’t really necessary enough to waste the coppers it costs.

The little boost in stats doesn’t do a whole lot. The only exception of course being MF food which is just epic.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


The utility buffs I want to use are removed on death so I consider them a waste of time most of the time.
I tend to use food buffs when i have them, but when I run out I am never in a rush to restock, the benefits are only small.

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why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: biggs.4702


Food (apple icon) and tech (wrench icon) are not a waste at all considering how cheap they are. Each gives you a 10% experience boost. You may think that doesn’t matter if you’re 80 but it does because your “fake levels” give you new skill points and you’ll need those to buy mats for a legendary weapon in the future.

The main reason, however, is magic find or a buff for a specific purpose. I love to boost my magic find. On the tech food side, you have potions and oils and stones. There are two groups of mobs in this game I hate more than anything: risen and dredge. I have potions that give me 10% extra damage to these mobs and also reduce my incoming damage from them by 10%.

That is nothing to sneeze at.

If you don’t want to use food buffs, then you don’t need good armor or weapons, either, because, hey, what’s a few percentage points, right?

Of course that’s stupid. So eat your food.

It’s good for you.

The obstacle is the path.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kindread.9481


Old post, but I thought I would add to this.

There are “Blessing” buffs you can get also that add a small bump to your major stats (Power, Precision, Vitality, and Toughness). These can be purchased in Wayfarer Foothills at 4 different karma Heart merchants for about 21 Karma each and last for 10 minutes. I actually have people ask me quite frequently when doing dungeons what those animal buff icons are. It is surprizing how few people know about these.

Again, it is a minor buff to your stats (around 6-10 to each stat) but every little bit helps!

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I am too busy to remember food.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: chronometria.3708


Cost, mainly. All the best foods set you back 5 or so silver a use and that adds up. Considering the very low returns, a lot of people would rather have that as cash than as a possible bonus.

Of course, there is a lot to be said from the less good food. Often that gives a notable bonus at a few copper a use (i love ten percent magic find lemon bars for example). Unfortunately, the auction house doesnt let you search for food in a decent manner, so lots of people only know about the more famous and thus more expensive food types.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


Seems people only use food/tech for the +MF buff. As biggs mentioned, there are good foods that give some pretty awesome buffs other than MF. Vs Risen while in Orr will help you steamroll through them that much faster. I use both while leveling up to 80, not just for the +XP buff, but things like swiftness after a kill make leveling that much faster. People shoot for max gear & drop tons of gold for it. Why not a few copper for stat boosts?

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


I use a lot of food (having 2 cooks myself, plus overflow food from my wife, I have a lot that needs to be used as it has no market value). That said, I am often without a food buff because I was unaware it wore off. I have a lot of food for WvW, but it always wears off without me noticing and I don’t use more than 1-2/night as a result.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I find most of the time I don’t need it. Yes it’s an improvement but if I’m doing ok already why waste the time, effort and money to get a slight buff?

I usually do have at least one food/tech item in my inventory, just because I’ve gotten them free from something or other, but unless I’m doing something difficult where I think the buff would be helpful I don’t bother.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kindread.9481


I always use food, but this is primarily because my build requires a very specific food type to properly fuction. I have around 12 stacks of various poitions for different dungeons for the increased damage/defence against specific enemy types .. that 10% adds up quick with your critting for 8-10k.

As someone mentioned, the Trading Post does not have the greatest search features, which may be part of the “food ignorance” problem. If people could easily see what was availiable, more and more people would be willing to shell out some silvers for the VERY beneficial buffs you can get.

Here is a link that I use when helping people decide which food to use:

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mag Li.2581

Mag Li.2581

When I remember I needed to eat food, it’s usually at the END of a fight… Out of sight, out of mind. When the food is in my inventory, it’s hard to remember to eat it before heading into a fight.

Mag Li [Oxy]
Part 1/2 of a dynamic duo

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silke.1695


One thing that I find annoying is the extremely short duration of said buffs. Sheesh 15 minutes?? 30 minutes or even an hour would be far more reasonable.

~edited to add: That being said, I am new to the game so perhaps there are items that do last longer as I level higher crosses fingers~

Toasted Coaster

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aelita.5413


1) buff is so short 20 minutes or 30 minutes is short.
2) there is not possible to put drink/food in tool bar and use it easily, open my bags search for food it is tedious. I’m usualy all time swarmed by mobs and I have no time to watch if my food/drink buff runs out.
3) there is not to much attentuion in small icons to notice that buff run out. May be there is so many small icons to watch conditions, boons and buffs are all mixed together. I can call it that GW2 for today’s MMO has ugly bad not modable UI, thats it

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dajs.2169


I read this thread and I guess the general reason why people don’t buff up is “I can’t be bothered to double click an item in my inventory.” Really? It takes a second or two, and if you just tidy up your bags so that the important stuff you need is right on the top you’ll always know where your buff is.

Also I’d like to comment on this:
GW2 has very little in the way of quality of life standards that other MMO’s have had for nearly a decade. I mean it takes community uproar just to get a simple adjustment to the crafting interface to make it less tedious to do simple things.
Maybe in a few years we’ll have some of the QoL stuff that should be there anyway..

Are we… playing the same game, man? You mean the quality of life standard where you have to sit down and use consumables to regenerate your life and mana? The same consumable that gives you a buff to your stats if you sit and eat it for 10 seconds? Or pay a fee to watch your character fly a griffon for 5 minutes in convoluted patterns until you reach your destination? (WoW)

Clearly you are talking out of your kitten because it is very obvious how much ANet has cut down on waiting time and provided an unparalleled amount of accessibility to the game.

It’s not the developer’s fault that you’re too lazy to click on a damn button in the inventory.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bvhjdbvkjf.1987


It’s not the developer’s fault that you’re too lazy to click on a damn button in the inventory.

Lol I certainly wouldn’t blame them for my laziness… I do blame them for mobs spawning before they’re dead (practically) and DE chains that take place consecutively across the map.

I’m always too engaged to remember to use consumables and it doesn’t help that they never drop from mobs (in my experience) – if I at least saw them in my looting it would remind me to check for that icon which sits on the UI bar I pay absolutely no heed to, since I have learned how my character reacts to conditions placed upon him.

I would play with the UI off if it didn’t prevent me from seeing just how much health I have left. If I spent less time ignoring that entire portion of the game because I could customize what I didn’t and didn’t see – then I’d certainly remember it more often.

Until then I guess I’ll just continue being too lazy to eat…

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Maybe being a noob pays off in pertinence better than buffs? ;-)

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


It really serves no real purpose because the small buffs they give aren’t really necessary enough to waste the coppers it costs.

The little boost in stats doesn’t do a whole lot. The only exception of course being MF food which is just epic.

Every little bit helps and it serves a very good purpose.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


Not really. It serves 0 purpose when the content in this game is ridiculously easy as is. The only food I would ever use is MF food, because that’s the only food with an actual impact on you.

It’s not worth my time to either buy or make food when I could be doing something else.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: barva.6187


It’s very cool to have smth that gives you
+30% Magic find
+40% Gold from monsters
+100% Downed health
+20% Damage while downed
or etc.. lots of cool stuff there.
but when you know you’ll need it, and I oftenly find that It would be better to eat smth else, but not what I’ve eaten))
So mostly I use potions in areas that I know – like vs undead in Sylvary erea and so on.
In new areas for me I just don’t have needed potion and I don’t wont to waste my inventary for all types potions..

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Condas.7056


I simply don’t need them. That, compiled with the fact that I only remember that they exist when I see someone with them. I think “oh yeah, I still need to get some food”. That thought quickly vanishes far before completing whatever activity I am doing.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FateOmega.9601


Its a bother. For normal exploration there is no need for it. I only use it in dungeons or farming using mf food.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Yeah idk why people choose not to. Guess they’re used to other games where you better save your food boosts for the nastiest content. I use my food/potions all the time, especially magic find. Saves me from having to run fail MF gear. Yes there’s some foods and such I save specifically for dungeons, dragon events, ect. But there’s so many varieties of foods available (and probably the reason for it) that you can tailor each to your needs.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raf.1078


It really serves no real purpose because the small buffs they give aren’t really necessary enough to waste the coppers it costs.

The little boost in stats doesn’t do a whole lot. The only exception of course being MF food which is just epic.

Bullkitten….the buff gotten from just one omnom berry tart equals one of your best pieces of jewelry. It may only last 30 min, but its a dynamite buff. Other potion buffs are pretty cool too…undead slaying is a favorite in Orr.

Not opting to use these things is personal choice….but choosing to not use them because you think the don’t do anything is just ignorant.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


It really serves no real purpose because the small buffs they give aren’t really necessary enough to waste the coppers it costs.

The little boost in stats doesn’t do a whole lot. The only exception of course being MF food which is just epic.

Bullkitten….the buff gotten from just one omnom berry tart equals one of your best pieces of jewelry. It may only last 30 min, but its a dynamite buff. Other potion buffs are pretty cool too…undead slaying is a favorite in Orr.

Not opting to use these things is personal choice….but choosing to not use them because you think the don’t do anything is just ignorant.

If you had read my earlier post, you would have seen that I said i make an exception for MF food because it’s the only useful food.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I used to abuse condition duration/damage food when I was leveling my ele. Then I switched to MF food. Now I don’t use either as there is better stuff to spend money on.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Beatsbury.1827


Most of novice players just aren’t aware of these consumable benefits. I know I wasn’t before my wife became a chef and started to test them on me.

Coooo! Stay. Eat. Be well.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

And people whine there’s not diversity in builds for various classes…

You can build around specific attributes and tactics and make great things happen because of food. Consider, some people will debate about swapping 5 trait points for some extra health regen in their build (like Adrenal Health for Warriors, Metaphisical Rejuvenation for Mesmer, Soothing Mist for Elementalist, etc) and yet, you can just eat some pie (pumpkin, grape, banana cream, peach, mango, etc) for a similar effect and pie is literally pennies.

Or that sigils like Sigil of Blood and Sigil of Strength can fetch a gold or two on the trading post for a chance to steal health or gain might on crits. Well, they have food that also heals you or grants might on crits and they don’t cost much at all.

The most powerful thing about it is, you can STACK those effects and regen a crap ton by traiting for regen and eating pie, or stack lots of might with combo fields/sigils/food.

You’d be a fool, as a mesmer and not eating pizza because it can extend condition durations of your shatters and various powers by 40%. Stack with the domination trait line for an extra 30% and maybe another 10% from runes?

Or consider the price difference between a regular blue/green beserker trinket and an exotic/rare. The stat difference there is probably only 3-8pts but the price is often several gold. Butternut squash soup is only a few silver each and gives you +100 percision and +10% crit damage. That’s like an extra half of an earring for the price of selling some junk to an NPC.

Granted I don’t eat food all the time, only vs things that require me to dodge…but if you don’t eat food, you’re just plain n00b…that or you can’t prioritize value right. You’d probably spend 10g on an earring with 2 more points to a stat over your latest exotic and yet wouldn’t use an item that gives 100x that bonus even if someone gave it to you for free.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Evalia.7103


When you stack everything up, you can truly become a monster ~
I’ve managed to SOLO an upgraded camp of vets in wvw, and unupgraded is just a cake(for record without upgrades it’s like 4-5 veterans lvl 80, with it’s 8-9 lvl 82).
Ofcourse I have best gear,best nourish buffs and various things to boost myself during the process(f.ex stacking perception sigil to 25 and then switching to weapon with another sigil so I can have bonus precision while using a different sigil..)
You’ll have to do some tests and math, and search the net to determine what is best for you :P
Why should I sacrifice my power? Gold doesn’t matter if my character has everything I want(all visual and stat-impacting upgrades)